Building images with kaniko in sarus (rootless patch)

To build images inside of sarus one needs a few linux capabilities (CAP_CHOWN, CAP_SETUID, CAP_SETGID, CAP_FOWNER, CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE). In the current configuration of sarus those capabilities are security problems, but it seems one can still allow them as long as runc is run rootless. The patch for that lives in my rootless branch.

  1. $ git clone -b rootless
    $ cd sarus
    $ spack repo add spack/
  2. Copy the values from /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid into the uidMappings and gidMappings in src/runtime/OCIBundleConfig.cpp (it's currently hard-coded).

  3. And create a dev-build of sarus:

    spack dev-build sarus@1.3.1 ~ssh ~configure_installation
  4. It will output the installation path, cd into that (e.g. cd /home/harmen/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2/gcc-9.3.0/sarus-1.3.1-u6urc54hwfay77wirfhr4xc4lc56saia) and run sudo ./ Next do sudo vim etc/sarus.json and set "securityChecks": false to make life easier, and set the rootPath to some folder writable by the current user.

  5. Run spack load sarus@1.3.1

  6. Pull the kaniko image: sarus pull

  7. cd into this git repository

  8. Copy the ~/.docker/config.json file, such that kaniko can use the credentials to push images to your dockerhub registry.

  9. Create a new Dockerfile, or use the one in this repo as an example.

  10. Finally run

    sarus run --mount=type=bind,src=`pwd`,destination=/workspace --mount=type=bind,src=`pwd`/config.json,destination=/kaniko/.docker/config.json '' --context=/workspace --destination=<username>/my_image --force

    Note that --force is required, because kaniko cannot detect sarus or runc as a runtime, so it will falsely assume it is being run outside of a container (but that's OK).

This should build the image and push it to the registry under <username>/my_image.