
Reference Platform for AWS Lambda

Primary LanguageMakefile


This repository defines a Crossplane configuration package that demonstrates provisioning and invoking AWS Lambda Functions.

Composition Overview

The example platform supports the use case of querying SSM parameters via a Lambda function and using the output values for infrastructure provisioning. Application teams store their primary and backup regions into SSM, and when they provision infrastructure Crossplane will invoke a Lambda to extract the regions and use them to create a pair of VPCs.

The Infrastructure team deploys and manages the Lambda infrastructure using the following Compositions:

graph TD;
  • XParameter: create SSM parameters
  • XFunctionDeployment: creates a Lambda function using the following building blocks:
    • XBucket: creates an S3 bucket to store Lambda Zip files
    • XFunction: creates a Lambda function and IAM permissions

Application teams use the serverless infrastructure to query SSM for their cloud primary and backup regions.

  • XApplication: creates two VPCs based on the regions stored in SSM

Deploying the Reference Platform

First you will need access to a Kubernetes cluster. Ensure you are using the correct context:

kubectl config current-context

Next, we'll use the up binary to install UXP, Upbound's distribution of Crossplane. To get up, follow the installation instructions.

To install UXP using up run:

up uxp install
UXP 1.12.1-up.1 installed

Install the AWS Provider:

kubectl apply -f examples/provider-aws-scoped.yaml

provider.pkg.crossplane.io/upbound-release-candidates-provider-family-aws created
provider.pkg.crossplane.io/provider-aws-iam created
provider.pkg.crossplane.io/provider-aws-ec2 created
provider.pkg.crossplane.io/provider-aws-lambda created
provider.pkg.crossplane.io/provider-aws-ec2 configured
provider.pkg.crossplane.io/provider-aws-ssm created

You can keep track of the provider install:

kubectl get -f examples/provider-aws-scoped.yaml  

All the providers should be INSTALLED and HEALTHY within a minute or two:

NAME                                             INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                                                  AGE
upbound-release-candidates-provider-family-aws   True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound-release-candidates/provider-family-aws:v0.37.0   110s
provider-aws-iam                                 True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound-release-candidates/provider-aws-iam:v0.37.0      110s
provider-aws-ec2                                 True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound-release-candidates/provider-aws-ec2:v0.37.0      110s
provider-aws-lambda                              True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound-release-candidates/provider-aws-lambda:v0.37.0   110s
provider-aws-ec2                                 True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound-release-candidates/provider-aws-ec2:v0.37.0      110s
provider-aws-ssm                                 True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound-release-candidates/provider-aws-ssm:v0.37.0      110s

Next, install the CompositeResourceDefinitions and Compositions:

kubectl apply -f apis/XApplication -f apis/XBucket -f apis/XFunction -f apis/XFunctionDeployment -f apis/XParameter

The Custom Platform APIs are Kubernetes CompositeResourceDefinition objects or XRD for short. We can list them using kubectl:

kubectl get xrd

The following XRDs should be ESTABLISHED and OFFERED:

NAME                                      ESTABLISHED   OFFERED   AGE
xapplications.example.upbound.io          True          True      3m24s
xbuckets.example.upbound.io               True          True      3m23s
xfunctiondeployments.example.upbound.io   True          True      3m23s
xfunctions.example.upbound.io             True          True      3m23s
xparameters.example.upbound.io            True          True      3m23s

Authenticating to AWS

Now that Crossplane, the Provider and all the Compositions are installed we need to give the provider AWS credentials. This is done by creating a ProviderConfig.

There are many options we can use to authenticate to AWS, but to sim

kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n upbound-system --from-file=creds=./creds.conf

Configure the Provider with AWS Credentials

We will create the following ProviderConfig object to use the AWS credentials from the previous step. See AUTHENTICATION for more authentication options like IRSA.

apiVersion: aws.upbound.io/v1beta1
kind: ProviderConfig
  name: default
    source: Secret
      namespace: upbound-system
      name: aws-creds
      key: creds
kubectl apply -f examples/providerconfig-creds.yaml

We're now ready to deploy the examples.

Populating Values in SSM

First, each team is going to store their primary and secondary regions in SSM.

To store an SSM parameter, a namespace-scoped Parameter Claim is applied to the cluster:

apiVersion: example.upbound.io/v1alpha1
kind: Parameter
  name: primary-region
  namespace: team-1
    providerConfigName: default
    region: us-east-1
    insecureValue: us-east-1
    parameterName: /team-1/primaryRegion
      owner: team-1

Using files in the examples directory:

kubectl apply -f examples/namespace-team1.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/namespace-team2.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/ssmparameters-team1.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/ssmparameters-team2.yaml

Applying the examples to the cluster would create Kubernetes objects similar to the following:

kubectl get Parameter
team-1      backup-region    True     False                       14s
team-1      primary-region   True     False                       14s
team-2      backup-region    True     False                       69s
team-2      primary-region   True     False                       69s

Deploying the Lambda Infrastructure

To deploy the Lambda Function and other Resources, apply the following manifest:

kubectl apply -f examples/ssm-parameter-lambda-deployment.yaml

Deploying the Application Claims

Finally, we can deploy our Applications.

kubectl apply -f examples/application-team1.yaml 
kubectl apply -f examples/application-team2.yaml 

Confirm the VPCs were created in the regions pulled from SSM.

kubectl get vpc -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.spec.forProvider.region}{"\n"}'
team-1-app-4fgxf-9ps5g  us-west-1
team-1-app-4fgxf-s457t  us-east-1
team-2-app-l8k9v-25nx6  eu-north-1
team-2-app-l8k9v-c6gkg  eu-central-1

Cleaning Up

To Clean up the installation, run the following commands:

kubectl delete -f examples/application-team1.yaml -f examples/application-team2.yaml
kubectl delete -f examples/ssmparameters-team1.yaml -f examples/ssmparameters-team2.yaml
kubectl delete -f examples/namespace-team1.yaml -f examples/namespace-team1.yaml 
kubectl delete -f examples/ssm-parameter-lambda-deployment.yaml

Wait for all the cloud resources to be deleted:

kubectl get managed

Delete the Compositions, Providers, and ProviderConfig after all the resources have been deleted.

kubectl delete -f apis/XApplication -f apis/XBucket -f apis/XFunction -f apis/XFunctionDeployment -f apis/XParameter
kubectl delete -f examples/providerconfig-creds.yaml
kubectl delete -f examples/provider-aws-scoped.yaml
kubectl delete secret -n upbound-system aws-creds

Local Development

This reference platform is a starting point to help you build your own Platform APIs.

The following sections will detail how to make, test, and publish modifications to these compositions.

Setting Up the Build Environment

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/upbound/platform-ref-lambda

Next pull in the Upbound build as a git submodule:

cd platform-ref-aws
make submodules
Submodule 'build' (https://github.com/upbound/build) registered for path 'build'
Cloning into '/home/user/platform-ref-lambda/build'...
Submodule path 'build': checked out '292f958d2d97f26b450723998f82f7fc1767920c'

Next run make. This will download the required components:


Applying your Updated Compositions to a Cluster

Automated Testing Using Uptest

Uptest is used for end to end testing of the Compositions in this repository. It does this by provisioning example claims and waiting for them to become READY.

To run uptest locally, first set the UPTEST_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS environment variable with the contents of an AWS credentials file:

export UPTEST_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS=$(cat ~/.aws/credentials)

With the credentials file of the following format:

make e2e


For any questions, thoughts and comments don't hesitate to reach out or drop by slack.crossplane.io, and say hi!