Perl in a box!

This image contains perlbrew, cpanm, and the latest stable Perl at the time of building.

As I type, the latest stable version is 5.18.2.

Other Perls

If you're looking for pre-built images of other levels of Perl, check out RsrchBoy's Docker index for more "trusted builds".


Enjoy. Ideas / bugs / suggestions? Feel free to submit issues or pull requests via github :)

Author and License

Copyright (c) 2014 by Chris Weyl <>.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Flattr this if -- and only if -- you want :)
Please note that this is not expected but rather a very pleasant surprise: I largely create and release these images because I need them or I find it enjoyable. However, don't let that stop you giving me money if you feel like it ;)