
Development of the OTX protocol


Documentation for the opentxs protocol: see the content/ directory.

Documentation Format

All documentation is written in Markdown. To help readability of text and diffs please hard-wrap text at 72 chars, and code blocks at 79.

Please use links to commit hashes, not to branches (hit the y key if you are looking at a file on Github to get a stable link).

Offline rendering

The documentation can be rendered offline by means of the MkDocs document generator, v. 0.11.1 or greater. Install it (preferably using pip3 rather than pip), run the mkdocs build command in the top level directory of the repo, and a static website will be generated in the site/ directory.

You can also run the mkdocs serve command and point a browser at http://localhost:8000/.

The output is deployed (manually for now) on GitHub Pages at http://monetas.github.io/protocol-docs.