A collection of the experiences I have collected during days of Xamarin and Wpf, while following the MVVM design pattern.
- Alriksturmfels
- Andis59Sweden
- andmos@bekk
- corytodd@canonical
- coskunTurkey
- enescaglMobileAction
- faviann
- feberhardAustria
- FishezzzBelgium
- frankcaiGermany
- gl0bBelgium
- henrihs@Indusenz
- hjerpbakk@Bekk
- IlledanBoitano AS
- ioiooi@Reservix
- jespersh
- jjanseenDenver, CO
- justinhachemeisterWindsor, Colorado
- Lakmella
- moschopsuk@ITV
- octupe
- owen800qSingapore
- PerditionC
- pmuessigMicrosoft, Inc.
- rclim95Mobile, AL
- RiboeH. S. Møller
- robertvanhaecke
- RyaPorterBirmingham
- RyoukoKonpakuTokyo, Japan
- smitville
- sttrox
- thx1135
- tobysmith568@Trayport
- VinayPalaksha1
- vuchlGermany
- zer