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The official example scripts for the Numerai Data Science Tournament.
pip install -U pip && pip install -r requirements.txt
python example_model.py
The example script model will produce a validation_predictions.csv
file which you can upload at
https://numer.ai/tournament to get model diagnostics.
TIP: The example_model.py script takes ~45-60 minutes to run. If you don't want to wait, you can upload
to get diagnostics immediately.
If the current round is open (Saturday 18:00 UTC through Monday 14:30 UTC), you can submit your predictions and start
getting results on live tournament data. You can create your submission by uploading the example_predictions.csv
generated tournament_predictions.csv
file at https://numer.ai/tournament
Description: Labeled training data
Dimensions: ~2M rows x ~1K columns
Size: ~10GB CSV, ~1GB Parquet
"id": string labels of obfuscated stock IDs
"era": string labels of points in time for a block of IDs
"data_type": string label "train"
"feature_...": floating-point numbers, obfuscated features for each stock ID
"target": floating-point numbers, the relative performance of that stock during that era
Notes: Check out the analysis_and_tips notebook for a detailed walkthrough of this dataset
Description: Labeled holdout set used to generate validation predictions and for computing validation metrics
Dimensions: ~540K rows x ~1K columns
Size: ~2.5GB CSV, ~210MB Parquet
"id": string labels of obfuscated stock IDs
"era": string labels of points in time for a block of IDs
"data_type": string label "validation"
"feature_...": floating-point numbers, obfuscated features for each stock ID
"target": floating-point numbers, the relative performance of that stock during that era
Notes: It is highly recommended that you do not train on the validation set. This dataset is used to generate all validation metrics in the diagnostics API.
Description: Unlabeled feature data used to generate predictions and for computing live tournament scores
Dimensions: ~1.4M rows x ~1K columns
Size: ~6GB CSV, ~550MB Parquet
"id": string labels of obfuscated stock IDs
"era": string labels of points in time for a block of IDs
"data_type": string labels "test" and "live"
"feature_...": floating-point numbers, obfuscated features for each stock ID
"target": NaN (not-a-number), intentionally left blank
Notes: This file changes every week, so make sure to download the most recent version of this file each round.
Description: The predictions generated by the example_model on the numerai_validation_data
Dimensions: ~540K rows x 1 column
Size: ~14MB CSV
"id": string labels of obfuscated stock IDs
"prediction": floating-point numbers between 0 and 1 (exclusive)
Notes: Useful for ensuring you can get diagnostics and debugging your prediction file if you receive an error from the diagnostics API. This is what your uploads to diagnostics should look like (same ids and data types).
Description: The predictions generated by the example_model on the numerai_tournament_data
Dimensions: ~1.4M rows x 1 column
Size: ~37MB CSV
"id": string labels of obfuscated stock IDs
"prediction": floating-point numbers between 0 and 1 (exclusive)
Notes: Useful for ensuring you can make a submission and debugging your prediction file if you receive an error from the submissions API. This is what your submissions should look like (same ids and data types).
The example model is a good baseline model, but we can do much better. Check out example_model_advanced for the best model made by Numerai's internal research team (takes 2~3 hours to run!) and learn more about the underlying concepts used to construct the advanced example model in the analysis_and_tips notebook.
Check out the forums for in depth discussions on model research.
Once you have a model you are happy with, you can stake NMR on it to start earning rewards.
Head over to the website to get started or read more about staking in our official rules and getting started guide.
You can upload your predictions directly to our GraphQL API or through the Python client.
To access the API, you must first create your API keys in your account page and provide them to the client:
example_public_id = "somepublicid"
example_secret_key = "somesecretkey"
napi = numerapi.NumerAPI(example_public_id, example_secret_key)
After instantiating the NumerAPI client with API keys, you can then upload your submissions programmatically:
# upload predictions
model_id = napi.get_models()['your_model_name']
napi.upload_predictions("tournament_predictions.csv", model_id=model_id)
The recommended setup for a fully automated submission process is to use Numerai Compute. Please see the Numerai CLI documentation for instructions on how to deploy your models to AWS.
- Minimum: 16GB RAM and 4 core (Intel i5) / 6 cores (AMD Ryzen 5)
- Recommended: 32GB RAM and 8 core (Intel i7/i9) / 12 cores (AMD Ryzen 7/9)
The Numerai Dataset contains decades of historical data on the global stock market. Each era represents a time period and each id represents a stock. The features are made from market and fundamental measures of the companies, and the targets are a measure of return.
The stock ids, features, and targets are intentionally obfuscated.
The historical portions of the dataset (training_data, validation_data) are relatively static and is updated about every 3-6 months, usually with just more rows.
The live portion of the dataset (tournament_data) is updated every week and represents the latest state of the global stock market.
If you need help or have any questions, please connect with us on our community chat or forums.
If something in this repo doesn't work, please file an issue.