
Light vim colorscheme for the Friday and other *days.

Primary LanguageVim Script

Freyeday: Light vim colorscheme

Light vim colorscheme for the Friday and other *days.


113099663 fe5c8c00 9202 11eb 95b9 6dd4a1898a4d
113100099 9bb7c000 9203 11eb 814c 145ab625fe7c


Follow the instructions plugin manager of choice has.

Or simply put freyeday.vim into your ~/.vim/colors/ folder.

Looks good but I want italic comments

Add following to your settings file:

augroup colorscheme_change | au!
    au ColorScheme freyeday hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic
augroup END

colorscheme freyeday

And bold statements

Add following to your settings file:

func! s:freyeday_setup() abort
    hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic
    hi Statement gui=bold cterm=bold

augroup colorscheme_change | au!
    au ColorScheme freyeday call s:freyeday_setup()
augroup END

colorscheme freyeday

And VertSplit without background colors

func! s:freyeday_setup() abort
    hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic
    hi Statement gui=bold cterm=bold
    hi VertSplit guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE

augroup colorscheme_change | au!
    au ColorScheme freyeday call s:freyeday_setup()
augroup END

colorscheme freyeday

I want my terminal background

If you would like NOT to override your terminal background color — make Normal background NONE:

augroup colorscheme_change | au!
    au ColorScheme freyeday hi Normal ctermbg=NONE
augroup END

colorscheme freyeday