
Refined gruvbox vim colorscheme

Primary LanguageVim script

GRUVBIT: vim colorscheme

  • Built using awesome Toolkit for Vim Color Scheme Designers!

  • Based on gruvbox hard dark background.

  • Mapping to syntax elements are different to gruvbox. Less reddish, more yellowish.

  • Some colors were slightly changed too.

  • No syntax with bold or italic, except Title and Directory are bold.

  • Do you want white background? Check polar.

  • Do you want light background? Check psionic.

  • Do you like black background? Check habanight.

  • Do you like Apprentice? Check alchemist.

More than 1000 words

94785710 b4702600 03d8 11eb 8eb2 5639ec830d22
94784923 8b9b6100 03d7 11eb 8ff1 54984cbc9481
94785825 dc5f8980 03d8 11eb 918c e8ae68f6b3c7
94785938 0618b080 03d9 11eb 80aa 641711631c23
94786982 547a7f00 03da 11eb 985a f0042b1f79e2
94787088 7e33a600 03da 11eb 88c1 8b65ee32a5d3
Comments are not italic by default. Use setup instructions to make them italic if you need it.


Using plugin manager

Follow your plugin manager documentation, for example, vim-plug does it this way:

" Specify a directory for plugins
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'habamax/vim-gruvbit'

" ... other plugins ...

" Initialize plugin system
call plug#end()

set termguicolors
colorscheme gruvbit
Manual with git

Clone this repo to your vim/nvim packages directory:

Vim on Linux or OSX
git clone https://github.com/habamax/vim-gruvbit ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-gruvbit
Neovim on Linux or OSX
git clone https://github.com/habamax/vim-gruvbit ~/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/vim-gruvbit
Vim on Windows
git clone https://github.com/habamax/vim-gruvbit C:/Users/USERNAME/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/vim-gruvbit (1)
Neovim on Windows
git clone https://github.com/habamax/vim-gruvbit C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/nvim/pack/plugins/start/vim-gruvbit (1)
  1. Change USERNAME to your user name

  • Download zip archive (available in Code  Download ZIP)

  • Extract colors/gruvbit.vim file into your vim/nvim settings directory

    • ~/.vim/colors/gruvbit.vim — vim (linux, osx)

    • ~/vimfiles/colors/gruvbit.vim — vim (windows)

    • ~/.config/nvim/colors/gruvbit.vim — neovim (linux, osx)

    • ~/AppData/Local/nvim/colors/gruvbit.vim — neovim (windows)

add to your settings:

set termguicolors
colorscheme gruvbit

Looks good but I want italic comments

Add following to your settings file:

augroup colorscheme_change | au!
    au ColorScheme gruvbit hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic
augroup END

set termguicolors
colorscheme gruvbit

And bold statements

Add following to your settings file:

func! s:gruvbit_setup() abort
    hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic
    hi Statement gui=bold cterm=bold

augroup colorscheme_change | au!
    au ColorScheme gruvbit call s:gruvbit_setup()
augroup END

set termguicolors
colorscheme gruvbit

And VertSplit without background colors

func! s:gruvbit_setup() abort
    hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic
    hi Statement gui=bold cterm=bold
    hi VertSplit guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE

augroup colorscheme_change | au!
    au ColorScheme gruvbit call s:gruvbit_setup()
augroup END

set termguicolors
colorscheme gruvbit

What about terminals with semi-transparent backgrounds?

Add this:

let g:gruvbit_transp_bg = v:true
94787703 50029600 03db 11eb 9746 3202af256060

Statusline Plugins Integration

Gruvbit supports vim-airline:

94784376 bd5ff800 03d6 11eb 990b 3a4634615eb5
94784542 fa2bef00 03d6 11eb 8131 153e8cbce7c8

Note though, it wouldn’t work if you install gruvbit into /opt/ directory of vim packages.

For vim-airline you don’t need to do anything special it should automatically pickup gruvbit theme.

For lightline.vim add following to your vimrc:

let g:lightline = {"colorscheme": "gruvbit"}