LLM Reads Papers 🤖📄

Inspired by ChatGPT-Paper-Reader, this project aims to explore how can LLMs help us read research papers. For now, I have rewritten the core parts of ChatGPT-Paper-Reader with LangChain library to make the project more extensible.

Ideas and contributions are welcomed.


  • Identifying section titles of the paper by regex matching and using a special prompt
  • Context length control: it splits the paper based on paper sections and TextSplitter from LangChain
  • Summarization with focusing on a set of user-defined key points


  • Split the paper with more accurate content recognition (excludes references, extract abstract, etc.)
  • Recursive summarization to make the output to the desired length.
    • summary < 500 words → read the abstract!
    • summary > 3000 words → read the introduction & conclusion!
    • summary ~ 1000 words → LLM might help. 🤔
  • Answer specific questions when reading