
- Basics ✅

-- Advanced

  • - word vs keyword ✅
  • - var, const, let ✅
  • -- the difference ✅
  • -- windows object ✅
  • -- browser context API ✅
  • -- stack ✅
  • -- heap memory ✅
  • -- execution context ✅
  • -- lexical environment ✅
  • - hoisting ✅
  • - types in JavaScript ✅
  • -- how to copy reference values ✅
  • - condition ✅
  • - if, else, else if ✅
  • -- truthy vs falsy ✅
  • -- switch ✅
  • - loops ✅
  • - for, while ✅
  • -- foreach, for in, for of, do-while ✅
  • - functions ✅
  • -- call back function ✅
  • -- what is first class function ✅
  • - parameters, arguments ✅
  • - arrays ✅
  • - push, pop, shift, unshift ✅
  • -- how array are made behind the scenes ✅
  • -- why we can make negative indexes array in JavaScript ✅
  • - objects ✅
  • - properties vs methods ✅
  • - updating object properties ✅
  • -- how to delete object properties ✅
var func = function () {

function abcd(a) {
abcd(function () {