

  • Build-essential
  • Make

What is AbstractVM ?

AbstractVM is a stack machine that evaluates simple arithmetic expressions. These expressions are supplied to the machine by programs written in a language similar to the assembler.


Instruction Description
push "Value" Push the value "Value"
pop Pop a value from the top of the stack
add Pop two values a and b, calculate the sum b + a, and push the result into the stack
sub Pop two values a and b, calculate the difference b - a, and push the result into the stack
mul Pop two values a and b, calculate the product b * a, and push the result into the stack
div Pop two values a and b, calculate the quotient b / a, and push the result into the stack
mod Pop two values a and b, calculate the modulo b % a, and push the result into the stack
assert "Value" Check if the top value of the stack is equal to "Value"
dump Pritnt all the content of the stack
print Check if the top value of the stack is of int8 type, and print the corresponding ASCII code
exit Exit the program


  • int8
  • int16
  • int32
  • float
  • double

Example AVM File

File test.avm:

; exemple.avm
push int32(42)
push int32(33)
push float(44.55)
push double(42.42)
push int32(42)
assert double(42.42)

Build and Run

  • $> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.
  • $> make
  • $> ./abstractvm <file.avm>