
Put miamiscale04relxx in plugins folder and in server directory.

Use MiamiScale_Init(""); //when it is placed in server directory.

Use MiamiScale_Unload to unload it.

It uses approximately 50 MB of RAM when Init.


Return value Function Name Parameter Description
true on success MiamiScale_Init [string] mapfile The full path to mapfile as parameter
true or null MiamiScale_Unload -
float or null. FindZFor2DCoord [float|integer]x, [float|integer]y The x,y co-ordinates to find the corresponding z. Return value null means z does not exist - it might be sea or something.
float or null FindAverageZ [float|integer]x, [float|integer]y same as above
true on success SetZFor2DCoord [integer]x, [integer]y, [float]z Sets the z co-ordinate for a certain pair of integer x,y co-ordinates. Setting means subsequent get will fetch this value.
true on success MiamiScale_SaveCurrentMap [string]filename Saves the current map which might have changes resulting from function mentioned in above row.


Saving Map takes approximately 2 seconds.