
Monitor your External Laptop Battery like internal battery using LEB-Monitoring, not need to buy a new internal battery, create your own 3S battery, and connect it to a laptop for a long run time.

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LEB-Monitoring "Laptop External Battery Monitoring" Monitor your External Laptop Battery via tray icon operating system, or web browser using LEB-Monitoring, not need to buy a new battery, create your own 3S battery, and connect it to a laptop for a long run time as internal or backup battery aka laptop power bank.


  • Show Battery Percentage, Voltage, Status, and Level.
  • Tray Icon to monitoring battery like internal battery.
  • Toast notification to notify critical battery.
  • Monitor your 3S battery using web browser with access ESP IP Address.
  • Auto charging battery when connecting charger.
  • Works as internal battery or backup battery aka laptop power bank (you need setup buck converter if using power bank mode).

Components & Software

  • NodeMCU ESP8266
  • Battery 3S
  • BMS 3S to protect your battery
  • (1 Pair) Battery Connector
  • (1x) 1K Resistor
  • (1x) 10K Resistor
  • Hotspot Software (Autostart)
  • Python 3

Wiring Diagram

coming soon


  • Install package requirements to your laptop
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Edit Configuration File "config.py"
ip_address = "" # static ip address nodemcu esp
  • Install hotspot software on your laptop, for example MyPublicWifi https://mypublicwifi.com/
  • Open NodeMCU Code/ESP8266.ino using Arduino IDE
  • Edit ESP Wifi Client Base on Hotspot Software "NodeMCU Code/ESP8266.ino"
#define STASSID "LEB-Monitoring"
#define STAPSK  "12345678"
  • Edit ESP Static IP Base on Hotspot Software "NodeMCU Code/ESP8266.ino"
IPAddress ip(192,168,5,5);   
IPAddress gateway(192,168,5,1);   
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);  
  • You can adjust Static IP Address from hotspot software.
  • Upload code to ESP using Arduino IDE.
  • Set auto startup hotspot software using windows task scheduler for bypass ask administrator permission on boot.
  • Set auto startup python to run start.py using shortcut like below:
/path/pythonw.exe start.py

Compatibility Operating System

  • Windows 10
  • coming soon


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