
This repository has been created for learning purposes. The content belongs to Jonas Schmedtmann as part of the online course 'Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, and Animations'. Copyright Jonas Schmedtmann. The owner allows its use for commercial and personal purposes, but it is prohibited to present it as your own design.

Primary LanguageCSS


This repository has been created for learning purposes. The content belongs to Jonas Schmedtmann as part of the online course 'Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, and Animations'. Copyright Jonas Schmedtmann.

The owner allows its use for commercial and personal purposes, but it is prohibited to present it as your own design.

Acquired Knowledge

  • Implementing global variables, architecting CSS and managing media queries with SASS.

  • Responsive images in HTML and CSS for faster pageloads.

  • The NPM ecosystem: development workflows and building processes.

  • Implementing advanced CSS animations with @keyframes, animation and transition.

➣ View the final result of this course.