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Pykd-Ext - bootstrapper to run any python with WinDBG

Pykd-Ext is not Pykd. Pykd-Ext is a windbg extension that runs python that runs pykd. With Pykd-Ext you can choose and run any version of python.

Using Pykd-Ext - is recommended way to use pykd with windbg.


All releases

Installation pykd.dll

  1. Locate your windbg installation place ( for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64 )
  2. Unpack pykd.dll to the 'ext' directory.

Loading pykd.dll:

Run command: .load pykd

Showing help for pykd bootstrapper:

0:000> !pykd.help


	print this text

	list installed python interpreters

!select version
	change default version of a python interpreter

!py [version] [options] [file]
	run python script or REPL

	-2           : use Python2
	-2.x         : use Python2.x
	-3           : use Python3
	-3.x         : use Python3.x

	-g --global  : run code in the common namespace
	-l --local   : run code in the isolated namespace
	-m --module  : run module as the __main__ module ( see the python command line option -m )

	command samples:
	"!py"                          : run REPL
	"!py --local"                  : run REPL in the isolated namespace
	"!py -g script.py 10 "string"" : run a script file with an argument in the commom namespace
	"!py -m module_name" : run a named module as the __main__

!pip [version] [args]
	run pip package manager

	-2           : use Python2
	-2.x         : use Python2.x
	-3           : use Python3
	-3.x         : use Python3.x

	pip command samples:
	"pip list"                   : show all installed packagies
	"pip install pykd"           : install pykd
	"pip install --upgrade pykd" : upgrade pykd to the latest version
	"pip show pykd"              : show info about pykd package

List all available python core

0:000> !pykd.info

Installed python

Version:        Status:     Image:
* 2.7 x86-64    Unloaded    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\python27.dll
  3.5 x86-64    Unloaded    C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\python35.dll

Running scripts or REPL:

  • To run REPL with the default python:
  • To run REPL with the specified python:
!py -3
  • To run script with the default python:
!py script.py arg1 arg2
  • To run script with the specified python:
!py -3.5 script.py arg1 arg2
  • To run REPL in local scope ( all objects will be destruct after quit() ):
!py --local
  • To run script in global scope ( all objects stay to live ):
!py --global script.py 
  • You can use "shebang line" to note python version. Insert first line to a script file:
 #! python2


 #! python3.5
  • To run module or package as a script
!py -m timeit
!py -m my_package.module

Managing python packages:

Show package list

0:000> !pip -3.5 list
pip (7.1.2)
pykd (
setuptools (18.2)
wheel (0.29.0)

Show package info:

0:000> !pip -3.5 show pykd
Metadata-Version: 2.0
Name: pykd
Summary: python windbg extension
Home-page: UNKNOWN
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: UNKNOWN
Location: c:\users\user\appdata\local\programs\python\python35\lib\site-packages

Install or upgrade package:

0:000> !pip -3.5 install --upgrade pykd
Collecting pykd
  Downloading pykd- (3.3MB)
Installing collected packages: pykd
  Found existing installation: pykd
    Uninstalling pykd-
      Successfully uninstalled pykd-
Successfully installed pykd-