
Antlr4 examples in java and related stuff

Primary LanguageJava


That repository is an Antlr4 example in Java.

Java classes in src folder create a window showing the syntax tree of "first.enk" file and a python file named "output.py". When "output.py" file runs, graph1.pdf files is created. graph1.pdf file is control flow graph for "first.enk". There are examples in master directory as

  • "first.enk" for the code written in new_Enkel grammar,
  • "output.py" for the python code which creates control flow diagram named "graph1.pdf"
  • "graph1.pdf" for the control flow diagram of "first.enk"

The grammar named new_Enkel.g4 has variable declaration, print declaration, if-else and for loop.

Using Enkel Language given in http://jakubdziworski.github.io/categories.html#Enkel-ref.

Some comments can be unrelated because I didn't write all of them. Some part of code is copy-paste.