
BetterMobs is a plugin Remixed, by MadoxMC, the original plugin is maked by tgwaste. MadoxMC Just Edited This plugin to Make 3 Compatible Plugins to add Mobs on your Overworld Worlds, NetherWorlds & EndWorlds, MadoxMC Idea.

Primary LanguagePHP


BetterMobs is a plugin Remixed, by MadoxMC, the original plugin is maked by tgwaste. MadoxMC Just Edited This plugin to Make 3 Compatible Plugins to add Mobs on your Overworld Worlds, NetherWorlds & EndWorlds, MadoxMC Idea. easy to use, you must go on config and choose the world you wont mobs do not spawn, exemple, on your BetterMobsNether data, you must choose your end & overworld worlds, so end mobs can just spawn on end, they can’t spawn in any other world, do this for BetterMobsOverworld and BetterMobsNether