
An offline WPS brute-force utility

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Overview License

Pixiewps is a tool written in C used to bruteforce offline the WPS PIN exploiting the low or non-existing entropy of some Access Points, the so-called "pixie dust attack" discovered by Dominique Bongard in summer 2014. It is meant for educational purposes only.

As opposed to the traditional online brute-force attack, implemented in tools like Reaver or Bully which aim to recover the pin in a few hours, this method can get the PIN in only a matter of milliseconds to minutes, depending on the target, if vulnerable.


Since version 1.4, it can also recover the WPA-PSK from a complete passive capture (M1 through M7) for some devices (currently only some devices which work with --mode 3).


It all started as a project from the community, more details can be found here:

A non-exhaustive list of vulnerable devices (currently unmaintained?):


apt-get -y install build-essential
  • Prior versions of 1.2 require libssl-dev
  • Version 1.4 and later make use of multi-threading and require libpthread



git clone https://github.com/wiire/pixiewps


wget https://github.com/wiire/pixiewps/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip


cd pixiewps*/
cd src/


sudo make install


Usage: pixiewps <arguments>

Required arguments:

  -e, --pke         : Enrollee public key
  -r, --pkr         : Registrar public key
  -s, --e-hash1     : Enrollee hash 1
  -z, --e-hash2     : Enrollee hash 2
  -a, --authkey     : Authentication session key
  -n, --e-nonce     : Enrollee nonce

Optional arguments:

  -m, --r-nonce     : Registrar nonce
  -b, --e-bssid     : Enrollee BSSID
  -S, --dh-small    : Small Diffie-Hellman keys (PKr not needed)  [No]
  -f, --force       : Brute-force timestamp seed
  -l, --length      : Brute-force entire pin length (experimental)
  -v, --verbosity   : Verbosity level 1-3, 1 is quietest           [3]
  -o, --output      : Write output to file
  -j, --jobs        : Number of parallel threads to use         [Auto]

  -h                : Display this usage screen
  --help            : Verbose help and more usage examples
  -V, --version     : Display version

  --mode N[,... N]  : Mode selection, comma separated           [Auto]
  --start [mm/]yyyy : Starting date (only mode 3)             [+1 day]
  --end   [mm/]yyyy : Ending date   (only mode 3)             [-1 day]

Miscellaneous arguments:

  -7, --m7-enc      : Recover encrypted settings from M7 (only mode 3)
  -5, --m5-enc      : Recover secret nonce from M5       (only mode 3)

Usage example

A common usage example is:

pixiewps --pke ... --pkr ... --e-hash1 ... --e-hash2 ... --authkey ... --e-nonce ...

which requires a modified version of Reaver or Bully which prints the Authentication Session key (--authkey, -a). The recommended version is reaver-wps-fork-t6x.

-S, --dh-small

This feature was introduced back in Reaver 1.4. It works by choosing the private key = 1, thus resulting in having the public key --pkr = 2. This speeds up the cracking process since the AP must do less computations to calculate the Diffie-Hellman shared secret, which is later used to derive the session keys that encrypt the current transaction. Pixiewps can exploit this feature so that the user doesn't have to input --pkr (it's always 2) and optionally compute the session keys, like --authkey, if additional arguments, --r-nonce and --bssid, are specified.

It turns out some routers are buggy and do not function correctly with this feature. Some won't even be able to validate the correct PIN and the transaction will fail after M4. For this reason this feature should never be used in Reaver.

-7, --m7-enc

This option requires the attribute encrypted settings found in M7 when the Registrar proved knowledge of the PIN, and the Access Points, the Enrollee, sends its current network configuration.

This feature can be use to crack the WPA-PSK (and WPS PIN) from a passive packet capture (e.g. sniffing a PBC session).

Empty PIN

The empty PIN, denoted with <empty> can be tested with -p "" in Reaver 1.6.1 and later. It comes from a misconfiguration of the WPS pin method on some Access Points which have the pin variable set to NULL (or empty string).


Difference between PIN and PBC method

The PBC, or push-button, method is of 2 types:

  • physical button on the Access Point, the PIN is always 00000000 (requires physical access to be pressed)
  • virtual button, in a GUI of some sort and the PIN is usually configurable via the web page of the Access Point

In both cases the session must be started manually and lasts for a maximum of 120 seconds or until the first transaction is finished.

In the case of PIN (also called label method):

  • a PIN must be supplied to the device (usually printed on the sticker on the back of Access Points)

The device is always listening for requests, it doesn't require any user interaction to start the process.

Pixiewps can crack both provided all the required data is supplied.

Supported platforms

Pixiewps can be compiled and installed on a wide variety of platforms including OpenWrt / LEDE and Android. On Windows it can be compiled with MinGW. Be sure to have installed phtread support.

Notes for wrappers and scripts

  • The data in input can be formatted with one of the following byte separators: ':', '-', ' ', or without
  • The most useful tags like PIN and WPA-PSK are denoted with [+] or [-] in case of failure
  • Pixiewps returns 0 on a successful attempt


  • Part of the code was inspired by Bully by Brian Purcell
  • Some parts were taken from wpa_supplicant written by Jouni Malinen
  • The hashing crypto libraries were taken (and modified) from mbed TLS
  • See contributors for a list of everyone that has contributed
  • Huge thanks to kcdtv and rofl0r for helping and testing
  • Special thanks to soxrok2212, datahead, t6_x, aanarchyy and the Kali Linux community


Pixiewps is based on the work of Dominique Bongard: