
Hack4Impact Academy Fall 2020 Assignment Repository 🎓

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Academy Fall 2020 Take-home Assignment

To setup your frontend project and install dependencies, run the following:

cd frontend/

To setup your backend project, run the following:

cd backend/

To run either the frontend or backend locally, run this command (make sure you're in the frontend/ or backend/ folder:

yarn start

For the frontend, you can navigate to http://localhost:3000/.

For the backend, you can use the following URL: http://localhost:5000/.


In this assignment, you will create a web application to interface with a collection of objects/items, such as food, books, etc. To do so, you will create three parts, a frontend, backend, and a database.

We also suggest that you use Semantic UI React. We have already imported this in the code so it is more convenient for you to use, but you are also free to use any other UI library.

Please make sure that you're only pushing and pulling from your branch (with the exception of getting updates from Alice & Brandon - we'll let you know when this is the case.) Double check this by running git status in your terminal.


For the frontend, you will create at least four separate pages.

Landing/Home page

This is the homepage of your app. You should have a jumbotron, a button leading to GalleryPage and another button leading to CreateObjectPage. You can also put some text here to welcome your visitors and describe what your site is. We have also created a very basic nav bar that you can use and import into all other pages.

Gallery page

This is the page that displays all the items in your database. Before setting up your database, you can hard-code objects on this page.

Item Detail page

This is where you'll display the properties and more details of the selected object. Some things you might include are price, date, name, etc.

Create Item page

This is where visitors can add new items to the database. You might want to create a form on this page to accept user input. Before setting up your database, this page doesn't have to be functional.







10/10/2020: Finish the home page.

10/15/2020: Finish the gallery page and detail page.

10/17/2020: Finish the create item page.


