News Aggregator That Helps Mitigate Effect of Media Bias on Users.

6th highest ranked hack at HACK-A-BIT 2018. I was part of the only single-memeber team selected for HACK-A-BIT 2018.


For HACK-A-BIT Hackathon 2018, I created a News Aggregator that uses Machine Learning model to check news articles for biased content. It furthur, utilises sentiment analysis to understand the type of bias - 'positive' or 'negative'. Any news search made through the app, returns news articles along with their classification, and if a certain news article is biased, the app provides the user, a link to another news article providing a different perspective. The app also offers functionality to analyse news article by URL.


See Latest News Search News by Topic Analyse by URL

Libraries/Tools Used

  1. Flask
  2. requests
  3. NLTK
  4. TextBlob
  5. FakeBox
  6. requests-html
  7. json library
  8. sqlite3

Programming Languages Used

  1. Python
  2. HTML
  3. CSS


© 2018-Present Anubhav Dinesh Patel. This software is open sourced with MIT License.