
A wrapped css-loader that automatically toggles CSS Modules feature

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This loader is just a wrapper around css-loader. It provides only one extra feature: auto detects if CSS Modules is used from your source code and toggles the modules option for you.

IMPORTANT! auto-modules-css-loader only handles the modules option, all other options are naively passed down to css-loader. Please consult their docs for configuration details.


css-loader is specified as a peer dependency. You'll need to install it first.

Then simple replace css-loader with auto-modules-css-loader and you're good to go.

var webpackConfig.module.rules = [
    test: /\.css$/,
    use: [{
-     loader: 'css-loader',
+     loader: 'auto-modules-css-loader',
      options: { /* ... */ }

Now in your source code, both side-effect imported stylesheet and CSS Module stylesheet would work as expected.

import './my-plain-stylesheet.css'
import style from './my-css-module-stylesheet.css'

// Note that you still need to manually add the `camcelCase` option
// if you prefer to use camel case locals.
// `auto-modules-css-loader` doesn't config that for you.
function App() {
  return <div className={style.myClassName} >hello</div>