Profile directories

This repository manages customized command profiles.


Oh My Profiles can be installed by running curl or wget.

via curl

    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

via wget

    sh -c "$(wget -O -)"


Docker profile

Docker profile adds two commands: cmd and tags.

Command Description
cmd terminal execution in a docker
tags listing all of tags
sh execute a shell(bash or sh)
rmf delete images with prefix name
iso isolate docker image with current directory


docker cmd $cname cat /etc/passwd  # this will execute `cat /etc/passwd` in $cname container
docker sh $cname  # this will simply execute bash of $cname container
docker tags ubuntu  # this will list tags of ubuntu image
docker rmf hyperledger   # this will remove all of hyperledger dockers
docker iso bash     # this will run bash image with isolated current directory
docker iso -v /host/volume1:/container/dir2 -e CONTAINER_ENV="env" bash  ## also we can use additional options, which ca be used for run options

Parameter tunning profile

Parameter tunning profile let you manage easily your shell parameters. Currently, it supports to add favorite directories by addpath.

Command Description
addpath let you access to the directory by an alias
addbinpath let you execute executable binaries in the directory


    cd path-to-your-favorite
    addpath my-fav
    cd $my-fav
    chmod +x path-to-bin/exec
    addbinpath path-to-bin
    chmod +x path-to-bin2/exec
    cd path-to-bin2

Git profile

For managing source codes for developers, git profile added consistent hierarchical directory path of git clone. Before you uses this profile, you should set devel paramerter. Simply, you can add the devel paramerter belows:

cd path-to-devel
addpath devel

After adding devel environment parameter, you can use git dev sub-command.

Command Description
dev Make directory hierarchy and clone a repository


git dev url-for-clone

CD profile

For quickly move between directories for development, finding and moving into a development directory feature was added into cd. cd firstly find and move natively; namely, it can work as original cd command. Secondly, cd will find and move the name of a specified directory from $devel directory. For moving the directory from $devel, cd will find the name from $devel only inside 3-depth.

Natively, we can change directory to cd $devel/ This profile make us change directory to only just with cd fabric