
🎆 Behind the scenes at Epoch — a magical New Year's spent hacking in the Delhi NCR.

On December 30th 2022, 180 hackers from around the world travelled to the Delhi NCR for Epoch — a 42-hour high-school hackathon over New Year's. With clubs & hackers in 130+ countries, Hack Club is a truly global community. After many magical summer events in the USA, Epoch was Hack Club's first flagship event outside of the United States. The Hack Club community came together to organise Epoch, the goal of this repository is to document that journey for future organisers to reference.

💬 Public Slack Channels

Epoch was organised in public on the Hack Club Slack by dozens of Hack Clubbers. We've kept them open for your exploration. Looking through them will give you insight into the challenges we faced and how we overcome them.

Channel Purpose
#epoch-bts Everything & anything related to organising Epoch.
#epoch-food-n-fun Coordinating meals and side activities.
#epoch-swag-n-prizes Designing & sourcing swag as well as selecting & purchasing prizes.
#epoch-theme-n-judging Planning for Epoch's theme selection and judging process.
#epoch-workshops Organising workshops for Epoch.
#epoch-suppliers Sourcing supplies & swag from distributors / manufacturers.
#epoch-satellites Organising a series of smaller Epoch satellite events in the USA.
#epoch-cross-event-activity Coordinating an escape room-esque event for all Epoch events to participate in, together.
#epoch-vt Organising a Epoch satellite hackathon in Shelburne, VT, USA.
#epoch-ba Organising a Epoch satellite hackathon in Oakland, CA, USA.
#epoch-texas Organising a Epoch satellite meetup in Austin, TX, USA.

📌 Within This Repository

Document Description
outline.md Epoch's vision, budget, staffing, and problem statements.
safety.md Epoch's general safety and COVID-19 policies / protocols.
/judging Proposals for how judging should run at Epoch.
/theme Proposals for how we should choose Epoch's theme.

See 🟣 Issue #3 for additional context surrounding /judging & /theme.

🗃️ Associated GitHub Repositories

Repository Description
www-epoch Epoch's website!
epoch-register Website for registering for Epoch.
epoch-registrations Slack bot for registering for Epoch.
epoch-prompter A static Next.js site to choose a prompt for Epoch.
epoch-mission-control Escape-room-style event for Epoch.
epoch-reaction-listener Slack bot to assign participants to teams for mission-control.

📃 Miscellaneous Documents

Document Description
🏦 HCB Epoch's transparent account on HCB.
🎨 Figma Home of our branding assets & swag designs.
🛹 Project Board Project board for the early stages of the project.
🔢 Budget Open-source budget for Epoch (includes transactions on the Indian credit card).
📃 Venue Outreach Email copy used for venue outreach.
📃 Announcements Copy used for announcements on Slack & Twitter as well as to Hack Club's mailing list.
📕 Parent's Guide Guide for parents with key safety information.
📃 Stipend Policy Policy on how stipends should be distributed.
📃 Info Email Extensive email for logistical information for attendees.
🎤 Opening Ceremony Slides used to introduce Hack Club & Epoch.
📃 Ice Breaker Activity Planning for ice-breaker activity in the opening ceremony.
📃 Food Menu Menu for meals offered at Epoch.
📃 Workshops Schedule for workshops hosted at Epoch.
⏰ Run Of Show The run of show for Epoch
📃 Ideas Braindump A random brainstorm by @sampoder and other Hack Clubbers.
📸 The Photo Album Thousands of photos from Epoch, free for use by Hack Clubbers!
📸 Attendee's Photos See Epoch from an attendee's perspective.

🙏 Acknowledgements

Epoch was made possible by dozens of Hack Clubbers. Thank you. A special thank you to our Temporal Agents: Aaryan, Akshay, Anisha, Arash, Arav, Arsh, Ashish, Christina, Dev, Fayd, Gaurav, Kara, Karan, Mahi, Neil, Nila, Nishant, Ojas, Sam, Shatakshi, Tej, Khaleel & Zach.

❄️ In Years Past

Year Project Description
2023 Epoch This repo!
2022 Assemble The first high school hackathon since the pandemic! (repo) (finances) (photos)
2021 The Hacker Zephyr A cross-country hacker adventure on a train. (repo) (finances)
2020 Summer of Making $50k in hardware donations to teen hackers around the world + the creation of Scrapbook (code) (finances)
2019 Flagship Summit IRL meetup of high school hackathon organizers and coding club leaders (photos)
2018 HCB We built and launched the first version of HCB (read the 1st and 2nd announcement)
2016 Hack Camp Summer camp / further writing & testing workshops
2015 Hack Camp Summer camp / testbed for Hack Club's first workshops (content)(code)