

Primary LanguagePython



‡ = anyone
§ = full Slack user only (not multi-channel or single-channel guest)
Δ = club leader only
◊ = Slack owner/admin only
= deprecated

Slash Commands

Every Slash command comes with a help message. For example, to learn to use /stats, type /stats help in Slack.

Anyone ‡

‡ = anyone
= deprecated

Full Slack Users §

This excludes Slack guests, such as multi-channel or single-channel users.

  • §/som-lookup Lookup who promoted a multi-channel guest to a full Slack user during the Summer of Making.
  • §/som-invite Invite a multi-channel guest for the Summer of Making.
  • §/club-init Become a club leader by creating a club

§ = full Slack user only (not multi-channel or single-channel guest)
= deprecated

Club leaders Δ

Δ = club leader only
‡ = anyone
= deprecated

Slack Owner/Admin ◊

Δ = club leader only
= deprecated

Message commands

Anyone ‡

‡ = anyone

Club leaders Δ

Δ = club leader only
= deprecated

Slack Owner/Admin ◊

◊ = Slack owner/admin only

Misc Interactions

  • Posting files in the #cdn channel will host them on a cdn link
  • Mentioning @orpheus in a message that contains thanks/thank you/thnx etc. will trigger a response
  • Mentioning @orpheus in a message that contains who are you etc. will trigger a response
  • Mentioning @orpheus in a message that contains where are you etc. will trigger a response
  • Mentioning @orpheus in a message that contains what are you doing etc. causes orpheus to shrug
  • Mentioning hacktoberfest in a message will trigger an ephemeral response to the user (but only in Oct)
  • Mentioning @orpheus in a message that contains hello will trigger a response
  • Mentioning @orpheus in a message that contains sass or mock will trigger a sassy response
  • Asking what are you doing in a message @orpheus is tagged in will trigger a response
  • Tagging @orpheus in a message that doesn't map to an existing interaction will trigger a confused response
  • The phrase get a room in a post or thread will trigger the breakout commmand