
NTRU-based homomorphic encryption (joint work w/ https://github.com/TxmszLou)

Primary LanguageOCaml


To build the code, OCaml and OPAM must be installed. OPAM is a package manager that OCaml programmers use to track and install dependencies. If OPAM and OCaml aren't installed, run the following commands and respond Y to any prompts.

apt-get install ocaml opam
opam init
eval $(opam config env)

Replace apt-get install with your local system's package manager if necessary.

Once OPAM is all set up, install dependencies.

opam install zarith ounit batteries
opam depext

Now running


should build the demos, tests, and documentation.

To see tests run, you can execute make test. To get an idea of what tests are actually being run, try ./test.native -list-test or look at tests/test.ml.

To read the documentation, open ntru.docdir/index.html after running make or make doc.

The demos

Parameter estimation

The program ./ntruparams.native, given various other NTRU parameters and a positive integer m, will compute the least prime q such that the resulting cryptosystem is leveled homomorphic of level m. It's a good way to generate very large primes: q is exponential in the prime p and the dimension N.

The source code for ntruparams.native can be found in src/ntruparams.ml.

$ ./ntruparams.native -help
NTRU parameter selection demo
  -rank degree N for the modulus phi = x^N - 1
  -ntru-p lower bound on the prime modulus p
  -alpha additive level
  -mu multiplicative level
  -help  Display this list of options
  --help  Display this list of options

Homomorphic multiplication

The program ./ntrudemo.native demonstrates that q is a conservative estimate by performing random multiplications of ciphertexts until they fail to decrypt. Typically failures appear after around 2m to 4m multiplications. The demo starts with an array of random p-bounded polynomials and at each iteration randomly chooses to multiply some of them together.

Its source code is in src/ntrudemo.ml.

$ ./ntrudemo.native -help
NTRU demo
  -rank degree N for the modulus phi = x^N - 1 [default: 11]
  -ntru-p lower bound on the prime modulus p [default: 13]
  -alpha desired additive level [default: 1]
  -mu desired multiplicative level [default: 10]
  -polys number of polynomials to seed with [default: 10]
  -mix probability in 0.0 to 1.0 of a multiplication happening [default: 0.1]
  -help  Display this list of options
  --help  Display this list of options