What Is This?

This is a Docker image with Java 8. It extends this. It may be used underneath other images for Java-related languages.

What Do I Need To Know?

  • $ docker run --rm -it hackenfreude/java-dev:latest will run this.
  • -e GITNAME='<your name>' and -e GITMAIL='<your email>' will update .gitconfig appropriately.
  • -v $PWD:<path> will volume mount your working directory so you can write code from within the container.


I was haunted by update-alternatives: error: error creating symbolic link '/usr/share/man/man1/rmid.1.gz.dpkg-tmp': No such file or directory while trying to install Java. Thanks to DuckDuckGo, I found Lee Marshall's bizarrefish.org.uk article where he solved the same problem. Thank you for blogging, Lee!