
Modified Preorder Tree Traversal - Implementation in Java for JPA

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Modified Pre-order Tree Traversal - Implementation in Java Using JPA

Maven Central


Hierarchical data is a collection of data where each item has a single parent and zero or more children (with the exception of the root item, which has no parent). Hierarchical data can be found in a variety of database applications, but mostly content management categories, and product categories.

There are basically two models for dealing with hierarchical data:

Both of the above Wikipedia articles give a good overview, but in order to understand how these are applied to an SQL database I recommend reading Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL.

MPTT, or modified preorder tree traversal, is an efficient way to store hierarchical data in the flat structure of a relational database table. It uses the nested set model as it provides a faster option for read operations compared to the tree traversal operations of an adjacency list.

The Classic MPTT Structure

The nested set model is using a technique to number the nodes according to a tree traversal, which visits each node twice, assigning numbers in order of visiting, at both visits. This leaves two numbers for each node, which are stored as two attributes. Querying and read operations becomes inexpensive: hierarchy membership can be tested by comparing these numbers. Updating (adding and removal of tree members) requires renumbering and is therefore expensive.

Let's assume the following sample tree structure:

Fig. 1: Sample Tree Structure.

Fig. 1: Sample Tree Structure.

Then the nested set traversal would assign the following lft and rgt numbers as each node is visited (NOTE: leaf nodes are visited only once):

Fig. 2: MPTT Tree Traversal.

Fig. 2: MPTT Tree Traversal.

The resulting flat table to persist in the relational database would be:

1 root 100 1 14
2 child-1 100 2 9
3 subChild-1 100 3 6
4 subSubChild 100 4 5
5 subChild-2 100 7 8
6 child-2 100 10 13
7 lastChild 100 11 12

Table 1: MPTT Flat Representation (as relational database table).

Dyadic Fractions as MPTT Structure

The classic MPTT structure above is asymmetric from performance perspective. Querying / reading operations are quite fast, while hierarchy reorganisation (adding or removing nodes) requires roughly half of the tree nodes to be relabeled to maintain the nested set model.

A less known model is the nested intervals-model, which doesn't require such relabeling.

The easiest way to nest intervals is splitting parent intervals into two halves, such as the Dyadic Fractions.

Fig. 3: Dyadic Fractions.

Fig. 3: Dyadic Fractions.

As you'll notice in the diagram, here the tree is build as binary tree. With a simple procedure the interval of the new node is determined from the parent interval and the youngest child.

The resulting flat table to persist in the relational database would be:

1 root 100 0/1 1/1
2 child-1 100 0/1 1/2
3 subChild-1 100 0/1 1/4
4 subSubChild 100 0/1 1/8
5 subChild-2 100 1/4 3/8
6 child-2 100 1/2 3/4
7 lastChild 100 1/2 5/8


Even though the MPTT implementation provided in works.hacker.mptt has no dependencies on Spring or other non-standard libraries, the project unit / integration tests are using Spring; and the demo application is a very-simple Spring Boot application too.


NOTE: Instructions are completely analogical when using the dyadic fractions-implementation. Simply use the works.hacker.mptt.dyadic-package in place of works.hacker.mptt.classic.

To use mptt-jpa:

  1. Add the works.hacker.mptt-jpa-dependency to the pom.xml (in case Maven is used).
  2. Add a custom entity-type by extending the works.hacker.mptt.classic.MpttEntity-mapped superclass.
  3. Add a custom repository interface by extending the works.hacker.works.MpttRepository-interface.
  4. Add a custom repository implementation by extending the reference works.hacker.works.MpttRepositoryImpl-implementation.

Add mptt-jpa to the POM


Custom Entity Type

public class MpttNode extends MpttEntity {
  // IMPORTANT! for some reason Hibernate requires a default constructor
  public MpttNode() {

  public MpttNode(String name) {

Custom Repository Interface

Declare you the interface of the custom repository:

public interface MpttNodeRepositoryCustom extends MpttRepository<MpttNode> {

In the tests and in the demo, the MpttRepository-functionality is added on top the standard JpaRepository provided by Spring Data. It is mandatory for our interface to follow the naming convention of ${Original Repository name}Custom.

And then, the Spring Data original repository could include in addition to the MpttRepository-operations whatever needed query methods with the keywords supported by JPA.

public interface MpttNodeRepository 
    extends JpaRepository<MpttNode, Long>, MpttNodeRepositoryCustom {
  MpttNode findByName(String name);

Custom Repository Implementation

Then the repository implementation is as simple as:

public class MpttNodeRepositoryImpl 
    extends MpttRepositoryImpl<MpttNode> 
    implements MpttNodeRepositoryCustom {


Inject dependency to your custom repository:

private MpttRepository treeRepo;

Due to the Java Generics - Type Erasure, you need to manually set the entity class prior using the repository:


Now you can use the repository as a standard JpaRepository<TagTree, Long>:

var persistedTreeNodesCount = treeRepo.count();

Or create the sample tree from Fig. 1: Sample Tree Structure.

var root = new MpttNode("root");
var treeId = treeRepo.startTree(root);

var child1 = new MpttTree("child-1");
treeRepo.addChild(root, child1);

var subChild1 = new MpttNode("subChild-1");
treeRepo.addChild(child1, subChild1);

var subSubChild = new MpttNode("subSubChild");
treeRepo.addChild(subChild1, subSubChild);

var subChild2 = new MpttNode("subChild-2");
treeRepo.addChild(child1, subChild2);

var child2 = new MpttNode("child-2");
treeRepo.addChild(root, child2);

var lastSubChild = new MpttNode("lastSubChild");
treeRepo.addChild(child2, lastSubChild);

You can print the tree to a string:

var utils = new TreeUtils<>(treeRepo);
var root = treeRepo.findTreeRoot(treeId);
var fullTree = utils.printTree(root);

The result would be a string containing a tree similar to the tree command line interface command:

└── root (id: 1) [treeId: 100 | lft: 1 | rgt: 14]
    ├── child-1 (id: 2) [treeId: 100 | lft: 6 | rgt: 13]
    │   ├── subChild-1 (id: 3) [treeId: 100 | lft: 9 | rgt: 12]
    │   │   └── subSubChild (id: 4) [treeId: 100 | lft: 10 | rgt: 11]
    │   └── subChild-2 (id: 5) [treeId: 100 | lft: 7 | rgt: 8]
    └── child-2 (id: 6) [treeId: 100 | lft: 2 | rgt: 5]
        └── lastSubChild (id: 7) [treeId: 100 | lft: 3 | rgt: 4]

You can print also a sub-tree:

var child1 = treeRepo.findByName("child-1");
var partialTree = utils.printTree(child1);

...to get:

└── child-1 (id: 2) [treeId: 100 | lft: 6 | rgt: 13]
    ├── subChild-1 (id: 3) [treeId: 100 | lft: 9 | rgt: 12]
    │   └── subSubChild (id: 4) [treeId: 100 | lft: 10 | rgt: 11]
    └── subChild-2 (id: 5) [treeId: 100 | lft: 7 | rgt: 8]

To get a sorted list of the direct children of a node:

var root = treeRepo.findTreeRoot(treeId);
var directChildren = treeRepo.findChildren(root);

To get the list of the ancestors of a node:

var subSubChild = treeRepo.findByName("subSubChild");
var ancestors = treeRepo.findAncestors(subSubChild);

Works the same for the findParent and findSubTree-operations.

To remove a child from a parent:

var root = treeRepo.findByName("root");
var child1 = treeRepo.findByName("child-1");
var removed = treeRepo.removeChild(root, child1);

The resulting tree should be:

└── root (id: 1) [treeId: 100 | lft: 1 | rgt: 6]
    └── child-2 (id: 6) [treeId: 100 | lft: 2 | rgt: 5]
        └── lastSubChild (id: 7) [treeId: 100 | lft: 3 | rgt: 4]