Dreamcast CDI Burner

by Alex Free

Dreamcast CDI Burner is a collection of software (CDIrip and CDRtools, along with my own cdib bash script) that can burn a Dreamcast CDI file to a blank CD-ROM using your computer's CD burner. The resulting CD-ROM is bootable on a Sega Dreamcast console, making use of the MIL-CD exploit. This exploit does not require any console modifications, as long as it is exploitable. CDI is the proprietary format of the Windows only software DiscJuggler. It is a very popular format for Sega Dreamcast software distribution.

Revision 0 and 1 consoles can all be exploited. If you have a revision 2 console it may not be able to use the MIL-CD exploit to boot burned CD-ROMs. To find out the revision of a console, flip it upside down and look for the number 0, 1, or 2 circled on the bottom label.

Dreamcast CDI Burner supports all 4 Sega Dreamcast CDI File format types.

  • Data ISO+data ISO
  • WAV+data ISO
  • Multiple CDDA WAVs+data ISO
  • Multiple CDDA WAVs in an ISO+data ISO

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Version 1.0.7 - (8/19/2021) - Changes In This Version

Mac OS X 10.3.9-10.6.x (PowerPC)

Mac OS X 10.6.x-10.14.x (Intel)

Source Code

View all releases.


Mac OS X

Download the PowerPC or Intel release, and unzip it. Copy the DCDIB.app to /Applications/DCDIB.app. If DCDIB.app is ran anywhere else or named differently you will be prompted to copy it to /Applications/DCDIB.app before you can continue.


A pre-built release is not yet available. Please install Dreamcast CDI Burner from source.

Note that the heart of this program is just a bash shell script, cdib which calls two other programs: cdrecord and cdirip. By default, those programs are compiled and installed with this package.

If you already have cdrecord installed (very likely) and cdirip (less likely), then all you need to install is the shell script:

 wget github.com/alex-free/dreamcast-cdi-burner/raw/master/cdib		# Download cdib.
 chmod +x cdib				# Make it executable.
 mv cdib /usr/local/bin/		# Put it in your PATH.

Install From Source

Mac OS X Requirements

Mac OS X 10.3.9 or newer is required to build for Mac OS X. PowerPC and Intel are supported. To target Mac OS X 10.3.9-10.6.8 PowerPC build on Mac OS X 10.3.9. To target Mac OS X 10.4-10.14 Intel, build on Mac OS X 10.4. Xcode and or Xcode Command Line Tools (depending on your OS version) is required.

Linux Requirements

Compiling for Linux requires gcc and GNUmake installed.


Compiling Dreamcast CDI Burner is done by executing one command found in the source code download, the build-all script with sudo privilages or as root. The build-all script does not need to be executed from the same directory to work. It will compile and install Dreamcast CDI Burner, as well as create a release in the build directory.

Important Info About CD-ROMs

Some people swear by Verbatim CD-ROMs, however this has not been my experience. I've been able to grab any CD-ROM brand (such as Maxell) and they work perfectly on my Model 1 Sega Dreamcast.

Also, I'd just like to say here that playing burned games and software is no different then playing burned audio CDs in your Dreamcast as far as the laser is concerned.



Insert a blank CD-ROM into the internal burner of your Mac. When Finder asks what to do with this disc, click ignore.

Ignore blank CD-ROM on Mac

Double click /Applications/DCDIB.app. A window will open allowing you to select a CDI file. After selecting a file you may be prompted for your account password. This is required to give CDRtools the privileges required for successful burning. After entering your password if prompted, simply wait for the burn to complete, you may monitor the progress made in the Terminal window.

Selecting a .CDI file in Finder on Mac

Note that Dreamcast CDI Burner will eject all removable storage as a side effect of enforcing a successful burn on Mac OS X.


Insert a blank CD-ROM into the internal burner of your computer. Don't let any software/your OS format or otherwise 'touch' the CD.

Ignore blank CD-ROM on Linux

In the terminal execute sudo cdib /path/to/your.cdi (replace /path/to/your.cdi with your actual desired .CDI file). Then, just wait for your burn to complete.

Example Burns (Images)

DOA2 burn on Mac image 1

DOA2 burn on Mac image 2

DOA2 burn on Mac image 3

DOA2 burn on Mac image 4

HT burn on Linux image 1

HT burn on Linux image 2

HT burn on Linux image 3

HT burn on Linux image 4

HT burn on Linux image 5

HT burn on Linux image 6

HT burn on Linux image 7

HT burn on Linux image 8

HT burn on Linux image 9

RECVCD1 burn on Linux image 1

RECVCD1 burn on Linux image 2

RECVCD1 burn on Linux image 3

RECVCD1 burn on Linux image 4

RECVCD1 burn on Linux image 5

RECVCD1 burn on Linux image 6

RECVCD2 burn on Linux image 1

RECVCD2 burn on Linux image 2

RECVCD2 burn on Linux image 3

RECVCD2 burn on Linux image 4

RECVCD2 burn on Linux image 5


Version 1.0.7 (8/19/2021)

  • Removed build select, 10.3.9 is now required to build targeting Panther PowerPC.
  • Added Intel Mac support, and Mac OS 10.11+ compatibility by unloading diskarbitrationd and not loading it until burning is complete.
  • Always specify IODVDServices.

Version 1.0.6 (2/1/2021)

  • Fixed the CDRtools compatibility regression on Mac OS X 10.3.9
  • The build-all script should now work on Mac OS X 10.7 and above. (untested as I do not have an Intell Mac).
  • The build-all script should now compile native Intel builds when ran on Intel Macs (untested as I do not have an Intel Mac).
  • Switched to uname based OS detection in the cdib script.
  • On Linux the CD-ROM will be ejected after a successful burn (the Mac OS X version already did this).

Version 1.0.5 (1/27/2021)

  • Linux support.
  • CDIrip 0.6.3 is now used for Linux builds.
  • Mac OS X build now uses Build Select v1.0.1 (included in source).
  • The build script can now be executed from any directory, not just the current one.

How To Uninstall

On Mac OS X

Delete /Applications/DCDIB.app.

On Linux

Execute the uninstall script (found in each linux release, if you built from source a release was created in the build directory) with sudo privilages or as root. You can type sudo in the Terminal application, add a space, and then simply drag the uninstall script as well, it does not need to be executed from the same directory.

Bundled Software & Licensing

  • CDRtools v3.02a09 (CDDL, BSDL 2 clause, LGPL version 2.1, GPL version 2, Public Domain)
  • CDIrip (0.6.3 - GNU GPL version 2), (0.6.2 - as is, no license, source code available).
  • Cdib (my own script) along with everything else that is not the above software, but is included in the source and releases, is released into the Public Domain (unlicense).

For more information, see the 'licenses' directory in each release.