An open/free multi platform IEEE COMTRADE oscillograph records visualizer and data extractor.
It's have been successfully tested in GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows 7 and Mac OS X.
General Install Guidance
The openComtradeViewer is developed with Python language, version 2.7. Therefore, to properly run it will be necessary to have the Python interpreter installed on your computer. Nevertheless, some non-standard libraries will be needed as well. If you run GNU/Linux, Mac OS X or other unix-flavor operating system you probably have Python interpreter installed. However, if you use Microsoft Windows there is a great chance that you will need to install the interpreter by yourself.
The installation of openComtradeViewer and its dependecies is simple in all OSs and can be performed with the simple command line below:
pip install --user
To upgrade openComtradeViewer only needs the following command:
pip install --user --upgrade
Usage Guidance
The openComtradeViewer can be simple launched from CLI by the command:
On Versioning and Packaging
In this moment there isn't plans to release regular versions of openComtradeViewer. In doing so, it will be a 'rolling release' software.