
A Rails app to create media rss files out of your iTunes Library

Primary LanguageRuby

Itunes Movie Server

This is a little application that creates a media RSS of the Movie contents of your iTunes Music Library. It uses sqlite by default.

It is very much a work in progress, where I hope to be able to stream the (non-DRM) content in my iTunes machine straight to my Roku on the other room.

Simply start the server and visit the top level. If you see a list of videos, it means things worked. If not, play with the constants in the source (or create Options records) to match the settings (I’ll be adding a config page soon) to point to the correct locations of things.

This expects you to have added your Movies library as a symlink on Apache. I did that on my machine as follows:

<Directory "/Users/david/Sites/">

Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all


And making a symbolic link in ~/Sites as follows:

iTunesMovies -> ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Movies

The regular pages are very basic. To visit the XML versions of the pages (the ones you point your roku to), visit:




(Again, you may have to adjust paths to match your locations)

A customized version of Brian Lane’s excellent homevideo project is in the roku directory, all zipped and modified so it uses these URLs. If you want to play with it, go to bitbucket.org/bcl/homevideo/ to get the sources. I have only made slight modifications so far.

Have fun!