
Install your specific service package with the following go get command. You can install the entire SDK by installing the root package:

$ go get


Before using the Talos SDK, ensure that you've configured credential and base information. You can get the necessary information by registering on Xiaomi fusion cloud UI. To configure information, you may use codes like this:

topicName := "MY-TOPIC"
appKey := "MY-APP-KEY"
appSecret := "MY-SECRET-KEY"
userType := auth.UserType_APP_SECRET
credential := auth.Credential{&userType, &appKey, &appSecret}

Configure your log format and its level, log will output to current path by default.


To use SDK, you can import like:

import (

Run consumerDemo

We have an demo in example/TalosSimpleConsumerDemo.go and example/TalosConsumerDemo.go, users can run this demo.

  • Configured:

simpleConsumer.conf -> TalosSimpleConsumerDemo.go

talosConsumer.conf -> TalosConsumerDemo.go

  • Then:
$ cd example
$ go get
$ go run TalosConsumerDemo.go

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