
readable stream of a textarea's inserts and deletes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Get a readable stream of all of a textarea's inserts and deletes.


textarea is complex: they have a slew of properties and events, and describing its state is non-trivial. It's not easy to learn about inserts and delete operations: interpreting multiple keydown events to determine what key and modifiers were pressed is onerous. I thought it would be nice to have a readable stream of these operations.


Let's wrap a textarea and type in it:

var wrap = require('textarea-op-stream')

var ta = document.createElement('textarea')
ta.setAttribute('cols', 80)
ta.setAttribute('rows', 8)

var ops = wrap(ta)

ops.on('data', function (ev) {
  console.log(ev.op, '@', ev.pos, '( ' + (ev.str ? ev.str : ev.count) + ')')

After editing some text, you may see

insert @ 0 (hello)
insert @ 5 (!)
delete @ 5 1
delete @ 0 5

as you insert 'Hello!' and then delete pieces of the text.


var wrap = require('textarea-op-stream')


Wraps a <textarea> element, returning a Readable object stream of insert and delete operations. The two object forms to be expected are

  op: 'insert',
  pos: Number,
  str: String
  op: 'delete',
  pos: Number,
  count: Number  // the number of consecutive chars deleted at 'pos'


With npm installed, run

$ npm install textarea-op-stream

See Also
