
A small IRC client with an HTTP API

Primary LanguageJavaScript



API endpoints

POST /<channel>

Accepts Content-Type: application/json with a body like {"msg": "message text"} which sends a notice to the channel.


  • 204 with an empty body on success

GET /<channel>/topic


  • 200 with a body like {"channel":"hackeriet","topic":"The space is: CLOSED | irc is: PUBLIC | hackeriet.no | ☯"}


An example curl request for a client in #hackeriet would look like this

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"msg": "Hello, world!"}'

Install and run

Run the binary

Requires Node.js v6 or later.

Install package dependencies

$ npm install

The included binary in bin/irc-http connects to an IRC server then starts an HTTP server that serves the API.

$ IRC_HOST=irc.libera.chat IRC_PORT=6667 IRC_NICK=hackerbot-js IRC_CHANNEL=hackeriet bin/irc-http

Run with docker

Build the image

$ docker build --tag irc-http .

Set environment and start the container. The below example will make the HTTP server listen on on the docker host.

$ docker run -d --name irc-http -e IRC_HOST=irc.libera.chat -e IRC_PORT=6667 -e IRC_NICK=hackerbot-js -e IRC_CHANNEL=hackeriet -e DEBUG=1 -p '' irc-http

The attached docker-compose.yml file makes this a little prettier.