
Used long time ago as a shaping script for router traffic. Just here as a museum item.

Primary LanguageShell


These scripts were used in the old days to shape the traffic on the first routers Humla established at Hausmania. At the times the up bandwidth was minimal and the house had many users.

To use the scripts properly it was necessary to compile the ipp2p kernel module and add it manually. This module is now discontinued and difficult to find online, but it worked wonders in its time (circa 2005 - 2009).

Creds for the early implementation go to:

  • Nicholas Klem - Saloxin
  • Tommy Wyborg - Drone

Later implementations and maintenance:

  • Enrico Razzetti - Sub
  • Kacper Wysocki - Comotion
  • Kristoffer Ravnenberg - Krav
  • Salve J. Nilsen - Sjn