
port scan powered led lights on esp8266

Primary LanguagePython

Scanlight is a NodeMCU/ESP8266 with micropython that maps tcp ports to individual neopixel lights. Made at cccamp19 by sgo and oklien, converting automated port scans into tent decorations.


  • Create fancy animations, animation loop maybe, use select?
  • It's a bit unstable with many incoming connections. Fix up socket code a bit.
  • Try ESP32, maybe more stable.


  1. Flash micropython to an ESP8266
  2. Wire up your neopixel compatible rgb led strip(s).
  3. Upload main.py to the ESP8266 by running make
  4. Reboot the device
  5. Watch the blinkenlights

Wiring of neopixels:

  • data = D3(NodeMCU) which is Pin 0 in micropython
  • red = Vin or 3v3
  • gnd = gnd


  • Connections to port 7331 blanks the lights.
  • Agressive nmap scans will likely crash the microcontroller.

Testing the lights


nmap -Pn -v -T2 -p 21,22,23,25,53,80,110,111,135,139,143,443,445,554,587,593,625,631,636,646,787,808,873,902,990,993,995,1723,3306,3389,5900,8080,8443,8888,9000,9001,9090,9100,9102,2121,2161,2301,2383,2401,2601,2717,2869,2967,3000,9999 $IPADDRESS


pushing hex color values to the ports:

while true; do color=$(perl -e 'printf "%08X\\n", rand(0xffffffff);'); for i in $(perl -le '$,=" ";print join " ", 21,22,23,25,53,80,110,111,135,139,143,443,445,554,587,593,625,631,636,646,787,808,873,902,990,993,995,1723,3306,3389,5900,8080,8443,8888,9000,9001,9090,9100,9102,2121,2161,2301,2383,2401,2601,2717,2869,2967,3000;'); do echo -e $color | nc -n -w1 -v $IPADDRESS $i ;sleep 20; done; done