Simple script you can use to get the new Discord "Active Developer" badge
- 3kh0<- cool building
- anderson-xdSão Paulo
- b0qzFR
- BrumaMan
- bxrlinUnknown
- cdante100
- Dan0xE@Aeronautical-Studios
- dougwithseismicwithSeismic.com
- dudeisbrendan03@tpcofficial
- fastnicky
- HENRYMARTIN5⬅ building
- Intecpsp
- ItzSkyy
- jfsfcoding
- jman13378HybridValley, Sokobot
- johan-persoFrance
- lufyjsTurkey
- LukasDanuser
- LuquinhasVulgoRC
- MaxPlays35
- mrtuxa@goberly
- myysty
- Narnillian
- Palvarzi1234
- RD-LuttuCyberWorld
- RegularNormalsRegularDevelopment
- sabri-eu
- saeol0415
- sarim0x13
- TheBotlyNoobhackeroonies
- ThePhoenix56
- trunk
- turtleship69
- verysuspiciousduck
- WBWMakoto[WBW] - Wibu Wonderland
- yordiverbeeckFreelance Web Developer & Video Editor