
Powershell module for parsing weffles csv logs and sending emails based on results.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Powershell module for parsing weffles csv logs and sending emails based on results.




Send-WefflesEmail -mode summary -emailTo admin@example.com -emailFrom alerts@example.com -smtpServerAddress smtp.office365.com -smtoServerPort 587 -senderPassword password -wefflesCsv C:\weffles\weffles.csv -priorDays 1

Send-WefflesEmail -mode summary -emailTo admin@example.com -emailFrom alerts@example.com -smtpServerAddress smtp.office365.com -smtoServerPort 587 -senderPassword password -wefflesCsv C:\weffles\weffles.csv -startDate 1/1/2018 -endDate 12/31/2018

Send-WefflesEmail -mode alert -emailTo admin@example.com -emailFrom alerts@example.com -smtpServerAddress smtp.office365.com -smtoServerPort 587 -senderPassword password -wefflesCsv C:\weffles\weffles.csv -priorDays 1

Send-WefflesEmail -mode alert -emailTo admin@example.com -emailFrom alerts@example.com -smtpServerAddress smtp.office365.com -smtoServerPort 587 -senderPassword password -wefflesCsv C:\weffles\weffles.csv -startDate 1/1/2018 -endDate 12/31/2018


If you don't want to pass email and csv path info each time the defaults can be changed in the params section of the script. Example:

param (

[string]$mode = 'summary',
[string]$emailTo = 'admin@example.com',
[string]$emailFrom = 'alerts@example.com',
[string]$smtpServerAddress = 'smtp.office365.com',
[int]$smtoServerPort = 587,
[string]$senderPassword = 'password',
[string]$wefflesCsv = 'C:\weffles\weffles.csv',
[int[]]$urgentEventIds = @(1102,7045,4720),
[int]$priorDays = 1,
[DateTime]$startDate = '1/1/2018',
[DateTime]$endDate = '12/31/2018'


Then the script could be run like this: Send-WefflesEmail -mode summary -priorDays 1

Send-WefflesEmail -mode summary -startDate 1/1/2018 -endDate 12/31/2018

Send-WefflesEmail -mode alert -priorDays 1

Send-WefflesEmail -mode alert -startDate 1/1/2018 -endDate 12/31/2018