Angular: Weather Component


  • Angular CLI Version: 10.0.4
  • Angular Core Version: 10.0.4
  • Node Version: 12.18.3
  • Default Port: 8000

Application Demo:

Functionality Requirements

  • An array of objects is passed as a prop to the component, where each object is a weather record for a single city. The object has 4 properties:

    1. name: The name of the city. [STRING]
    2. temperature: The temperature in the city. [STRING]
    3. wind: The wind in the city. [STRING]
    4. humidity: The humidity in the cit.y [STRING]
  • There is an input field for the city name where the user can type the name of a city to search the weather data for. (The city name is case-insensitive.)

  • If data exists for the typed input, render the weather details <div> as below, inside <div data-test-id="weather-details">.

    1. <span data-test-id="output-temperature">{temperature}</span>, where {temperature} is the value from the weather record.
    2. <div data-test-id="output-wind">Wind: {wind}</div>, where {wind} is the value from the weather record.
    3. <div data-test-id="output-humidity">Humidity: {humidity}</div>, where {humidity} is the value from the weather record.
  • If no data exists for the typed input, do not render the weather details <div>, but instead render <div data-test-id="no-results">No Results Found</div>.

  • At component render, since nothing is typed, do not render above 2 divs.

Testing Requirements

  • The city name input should have the data-test-id attribute 'app-input'.

  • The <div> containing weather details should have the data-test-id attribute 'weather-details'.

  • The <span> containing the temperature should have the data-test-id attribute 'output-temperature'.

  • The <div> containing the wind information should have the data-test-id attribute 'output-wind'.

  • The <div> containing the humidity information should have the data-test-id attribute 'output-humidity'.

  • The 'No Results Found' <div> should have the data-test-id attribute 'no-results'.

Project Specifications

Read-only Files

  • src/app/weatherDetails/weatherDetails.component.spec.ts
  • src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  • src/app/app.component.ts
  • src/app/app.module.ts


  • run:
bash bin/env_setup && . $HOME/.nvm/ && npm start
  • install:
bash bin/env_setup && . $HOME/.nvm/ && npm install
  • test:
bash bin/env_setup && . $HOME/.nvm/ && npm test