
Collection of commands that are helpful for pen testing and other command line activities.

HackerSifu's Command Cheat Sheet

This is a collection of commands that I've found helpful, and a lot of times end up reusing (and trying to find them again in some of these cases as well). I'll continue to add to this list, and feel free to provide any suggestions or additions.

Adding text to the end of each line in a file:

sed -e 's/$/<text to insert here>/' -i <filename>.txt

Uncompressing tar files:

tar -xvf <filename>

Adding text to the end of a file:

echo '<text to insert here>' >> <filename>

Redirecting stdout to a file, as well as redirecting stderr to stdout:

<command> >out 2>&1

One liner update command (Debian):

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

Count directories/files within a directory:

tree -L 1 | tail 1

grep simulator for AND operator

grep -E "item1.*item2" .

(Athena SQL) Using if statement within a WHERE clause

# format:  if( condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)
WHERE if(<field_name> = '<field value>','true','false')

(Athena SQL) Counting aggragated records

SELECT <field_name> , count(*) AS <count_field_name>

(Athena SQL) Show partitions for a table


(Athena SQL) Skip the first line when creating a table for data


(Athena SQL) Multiple values in WHERE clause using IN

SELECT * FROM "database"."table"
WHERE value IN ('unique_value1','unique_value2')

Review open Linux ports

netstat -l

URL Encoded Characters for basic injection attacks

%27 = '
%22 = "
%3C = <
%3E = >
%2F = /
%3F = ?
%00 = NULL
%20 = space
%26 = &
	Example of " && "

Append text to end of file (quickly)

echo 'text' >> file

Append text to beginning of file (quickly)

sed -i "1iTEXTHERE" file

Quick Base64 Decode

# In bash:
echo <base 64 coded string here> | base64 -d

Search for text within files (quickly)

grep -rnw . -e "<pattern>"

Beginner screen commands

# Starting a screen:
screen -S my_screen_session_name
# List running screens:
screen -ls
# Return to running screen (if only one is running):
screen -r
# If multiple are running:
screen -r my_screen_session_name

Run a detached screen command, for running commands in the background

screen -dmS <name> sh -c "<command>; exec bash"

Search for text while ignoring case (quickly)

grep -i <texthere> *

(Git) Git Setup Commands

# Configuring Git User
git config --global user.name <user>
# Clone a Git Repo
git clone <url>

(Git) Start ssh-agent

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Perform a difference between two lists (Python)

final_list = (list(set(first_list) - set(second_list)))

How to check out an existing branch into VSCode (Git)

git pull origin <new_branch>
git fetch origin <new_branch>
git checkout <new_branch>

Check sudo version

sudo -V

Search script.db for nmap scripts (shows type of script)

cat /usr/share/nmap/scripts/script.db

Various awk commands

# Add line number to awk command
awk '{print NR,$0} file.txt

(Bash) Check to see if a directory exists, then create it if it doesn't

if [ ! -f /home/user ]; then
  mkdir /home/user

(Bash) Check to see if a file exists, then create it if it doesn't

if [ ! -f /home/user/test.txt ]; then
    touch /home/user/test.txt

(Bash) Export all local set variables

export -p

(Bash) Operators for running multiple commands in one line

1 && 2 - runs 2 if 1 is successful
1 ; 2 - runs 1 then 2 (doesn't matter if successful)
1 || 2 - runs 2 if 1 fails
1 | 2 - runs 1 then pipes output to 2

(Bash) Use -exec command with find for grepping specific strings

# The "{} \;" operators at the end of the command are required. Example:
find / -name <filename> -exec grep <string> {} \;
# Do a search that starts with the string that you are looking for with '^<string>'. Example:
find / -name <filename> -exec grep '^<string>' {} \;
# Check file location using find and grep with -H. Example:
find / -name <filename> -exec grep -H <string> {} \;
# Check lines within a file with -A <number>. Example:
find / -name <filename> -exec grep -A 3 <string> {} \;

(Bash) tar commands

# Tar Switches
# -x: Extract files from an archive.
# -z: uses the compress program when operating on files
# -v: Verbose
# -f: use file within the command

# Tar Examples
tar -xzvf <file>.tgz

(Python) Handy imports for starting a script

import logging
import os
import json
import boto3
import time
import datetime
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

logger = logging.getLogger()
current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
current_date_string = str(current_date)

(AWS CLI) Parse S3 and place into a file

aws s3 ls %s --recursive | tail -n +1 | head -1" % file_name

(Git) How to checkout a remote branch

git pull
# List current branches after pull
git branch
# Switch to branch
git checkout new branch

(Git) How to commit and push

# Commit and comment your code
git commit -m "comment here"
# Push your code
git push

(Git) How to remove deleted branches from local

git branch -d <branch_name>
git fetch -p

(Git) How to delete a release tag

git push --delete origin <tag_name>

(Git) How to update tags (to solve the would clobber existing tag error)

git fetch --tags -f

How to beautify large JSON files

cat <file_name> | python -m json.tool > <new_file_name>

Output raw string from jq

jq --raw-output '.field,.sub_field'

Using jq slurp

jq --slurp '.' *

(VSCode) Mass Comment/Uncomment of lines in VSCode

Windows: Ctrl + /
Mac: Command + /

(VSCode) Go to beginning of all lines

Mac: Ctrl + A to select all lines, Shift + Alt + I (Windows) or Shift + Option + I to put cursor at end of all lines, Home key to go to beginning of each line

(VSCode) Open VSCode as root

sudo code --user-data-dir="." --no-sandbox

(argparse) How to use an option with no required argument

parser.add_argument('--fake-option', action='store_true')
select = parser.parse_args()
if select.fake-option:

(Bash) Create virtual environment for running Python

virtualenv --python=python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate

(MacOS) Create virtual environment for running Python

# Install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv (might need sudo)
# Create virtual environment
virtualenv venv
# Activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# Deactivate virtual environment

(vi/vim) vi/vim commands

:w - write to file
:q - quit file
x - deletes characters
u - undo change
dd - deletes entire line
p - paste
yy - copy current line
5yy - copy 5 current lines
J - join the next line
f - find character within a line
/ - find word within file
:%s - substitute words within the document (example: :%s/Word/word/gc) g = global, replaces each string within the file, c = confirmation
:n - move to next file
:N - move to previous file
:e - add second file to edit
:buffer - switch files
:wq - save and quit
:wq! - save and quit (without prompt)
:q! - quit without saving
$ - go to the end of a line

(Bash) Starting an Apache2 server

sudo apt update
sudo apt install apache2 -y
service apache2 start

(Python) Iterate cleanly on JSON Keys that may or may not exist

if 'JSONKey' in json:
    variable = json['JSONKey']

(Ruby) Create vulnerable SSRF server for testing

# Create a Ruby file for running a vulnerable server
vim vuln-server.rb
# Add the following content to the file:
require 'sinatra'
require 'open-uri'

set :bind, ''
set :port, 80

get '/' do
  format 'RESPONSE: %s', open(params[:url]).read
# Install Sinatra using Ruby
gem install sinatra
# Run the server in the background
ruby vuln-server.rb

(Python) Advanced setup of logging module

# Code to print out info within the terminal
logFormatter = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(format=logFormatter, level=logging.INFO)

# Code to set the logger up
logger = logging.getLogger()

# Code to set up the logging file locally for review
output_handle = logging.FileHandler('loggertest.log')

# Code to set up the logging format for logs within the logging file
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# Code for the handler needed for inputting the logs into the logging file
logger.info("Logs are contained in loggertest.log")

(Python) Add timestamp function to replace print

original_print = print

def timestamp(*args, **kwargs):
    original_print(datetime.datetime.now(), *args, **kwargs)
print = timestamp

(Bash) Change Terminal Prompt

export PS1='> '

(Bash) Read and store input as a variable

# Normal Mode
echo Red or Blue? 
read color
echo $color

# Silent Mode
echo Green or Yellow?
read -s color
echo $color

(Bash) Use grep with line numbers

grep --number file.txt
grep -n file.txt

(Bash) How to do a line count with grep

cat file.txt | grep "cool phrase" | wc -l

(Bash) How to kill processes by name

pkill -f <process_name>

(HTML) Create a link in HTML

<a href="url">linkhere</a>

(Python) Generate a random string

import string
import random

letters = string.ascii_letters
numbers = string.digits
special_chars = string.punctuation

dummy_phrase = (''.join(random.choice(letters + numbers + special_chars) for char in range(24)))
dummy_string = dummy_phrase.replace('@','').replace('/','').replace('"','')

(Python) Perform de-dupe on created list

dupe_list = ['A', 'B', 'A']
clean_list = []
for letter in dupe_list:
	if letter not in clean_list:

(Python) How to neatly parse arrays

# Scale down to the array to parse
CoreValueList: list = []
array_parse = payload['Array']
# Create a for loop to look for the value you need, and return value based on your logic
for core_value in array_parse:
	if (core_value['Array_Value'] == 'foo'):

(Python) Basic working with classes

# Simple Class
class CamelCaseName:
	"""Docstring for class"""
	value = "One"

# How to call class values
def call_class_values:
	"""Function to call class values"""
	number = CamelCaseName.value # Retrieves value within the class above

# How to call class doc string

(Python) Update symbolic link of python command

# Check current symbolic link
ls -l /usr/bin/python
# Update symbolic link (example uses updating to 3.8)
rm /usr/bin/python (or python3)
ln -s /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/python (or python3)

(Python) Convert input value to string

input_value_raw = input("Enter a value: ")
input_value = str(input_value_raw)

(Python) Convert dict to string and back

# Convert dict to string
dict_value = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
dict_value_string = str(dict_value)
# Convert string to dict
dict_value_string = "{'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}"
dict_value = eval(dict_value_string)

(Python) Create if statement based on a pre-defined list

# Create a list
list_value = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']
# Create an if statement
if 'value1' in list_value:
	print('value1 is in the list')

(Go) Code for creating initial Go project

package main

import (

(Go) Code for creating a function and calling it

package main

import (

func testing() {
  fmt.Println("Hello World")

func main() {
  testing() // Call the testing function above.

(Go) Code for defining variables

test_var := "Hello" // Defines a variable and adds the type based on intelligence
var greeting string = "Hello" // Defines a variable and adds it specifically
fmt.Println(test_var) // Prints the variable
fmt.Println(greeting) // Prints the variable

(Go) Code for using if/else statements

func if_testing() {
	fmt.Println("Let's try an if statement. Say something.")
	var if_input string
	if if_input == "something" {
		fmt.Println("You said something.")
	} else if if_input == "nothing" {
		fmt.Println("You said nothing.")
	} else if if_input == "random" {
		fmt.Println("You said", if_input)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("You said something else.")

(Go) How to print output from AWS DescribeInstances API Call (AWS SDK for Go v1)

func ec2_test() {
	// Standard session declaration for using AWS SDK for Go v1
	session := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
		SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,

	ec2_client := ec2.New(session) // Using the standard session declaration
	output, err := ec2_client.DescribeInstances(nil)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Let's describe some instances.")
	//	fmt.Println(output)
	for _, reserv := range output.Reservations { //This is how you parse the JSON content initially.
		fmt.Println(reserv)                    // You can print out the variable here.
		fmt.Println(reserv.Instances)          // For subfields, you can use this format.
		for _, bdm := range reserv.Instances { // Can print out nested here as well.

(Go) Cross compile Go code to a Windows exe file from Linux/MacOS

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o go_code.exe go_code.go

(Go) How to use AND/OR/NOT in Go

// AND
if a && b {
	fmt.Println("Both a and b are true")
// OR
if a || b {
	fmt.Println("One of a and b is true")
// NOT
if !a {
	fmt.Println("a is false")

(Go) Add libraries

# Initialize repo to add go.mod
go init <file name with modules>
# Use tidy to load the modules
go mod tidy

(Windows cmd) How to kill processes

taskkill /F /IM "taskname.exe"

(Python) Starting a Virtual Environment

# Install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
# OR
pip3 install virtualenv
# Then
python3 -m venv env # This may not work, try skipping this step
# Create virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 <envname> # Name the environment whatever you want
# Active the env environment
source <envname>/bin/activate

(Python) Using mutliple conditions in if statements

if a == 1 && b == 2 {
	fmt.Println("Both a and b are true")
# OR
if (a == 1 and b ==2):
	fmt.Println("Both a and b are true")

(Python) Alternate way to add strings with variables

user = "John"
print("Hello {name}".format(name=user))

(Terraform) Creating an EC2 instance

resource "aws_instance" "testing" {
  ami = "<dummy_ami>"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  subnet_id = "<dummy_subnet_id>" # Required field if the default VPC is not being used.

(Terraform) Switch the working directory to deploy from

terraform -chdir=<path_to_deploy_from> apply

(Bash) (OPA) OPA Policy Evaluation Command

# OPA Policy Evaluation Command
./opa eval --format pretty -i <stack_file_name>.json -d <rego_file_name>.rego "data"
# Query to get the value of allow:
./opa eval --format pretty -i <stack_file_name>.json -d <rego_file_name>.rego "data" | jq --raw-output '.opa_policies.allow' > allow.txt

(Git) How to stash changes to a file

# Stash changes to a branch
git stash
# Unstash changes to a branch
git stash pop

(Git) How to rebase a branch

# From checked out branch (or feature branch)
git rebase <main branch>
# To update settings for git config rebasing
git config rebase.true
# Reference: git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase

(Git) How to remove a commit

# Remove the last commit
git reset --hard HEAD~1
git push --force
# Remove a specific commit
git reset --hard <commit_hash>
git push --force

Updating Yarn lock file

yarn install --mode update-lockfile

(Bash) tmux cheat sheet

# Open tmux
# Begin session with specific name
tmux new -s <session_name>
# Kill tmux session
tmux kill-session -t <session_number>

(Bash) Using grep to find a specific case-insensitive string within files in current directory

grep <word> * -i

Create a symbolic link

ln -s <file> <link>

Redis-cli commands

# Connect to a Redis server
redis-cli -h <hostname>
# Select a database
> select
#Look at information and statistics of a Redis server (when connected)
> info
# List all available keys
> KEYS *
# Get value of key
> get <key value name> (can't use the number of the key here)