The code running
To get started developing, make sure you have the correct software installed.
This projects uses Django with Python 3. Make sure you have Python3 and pip3 installed.
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv
Install Python3 manually and use CMD
Use an environment such as Cygwin64, select pip3 and python3 during install.
Install Linux Subsystem for Windows and install Ubuntu (or other prefered distro) from Windows Store
Instead of installing a bunch of python files system-wide, we will use a virtual environment to install the packages in a single folder instead.
Create virtualenv:
python3 -m venv NAME_OF_VENV
Activate virtualenv:
source NAME_OF_VENV/bin/activate
Create virtualenv:
python -m venv NAME_OF_VENV
Activate virtualenv:
Clone the project:
git clone
Go into the project:
cd website/
Install required python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install pre-commit hooks for automatic code formatting and various code style checks:
pre-commit install
Migrate the database:
python migrate
After installing the required packages and initializing the database, you can run the server with the following command:
python runserver
Use fixtures to add test data to you local development
Load the fixtures:
python loaddata fixtures.json
Create new fixtures: (Create fixtures if model updates make the fixtures unusable)
python dumpdata -e admin -e auth.Permission -e contenttypes -e sessions --indent=4 > fixtures.json
All users have the password: adminpassword
You can delete the database locally by deleting the db.sqlite3 file from the root directory
After that you need to migrate the database with
python migrate
Follow the above step about fixtures if you want your test data back
We have locality for Norwegian and English
To generate new translations in .po
files run
python makemessages -l nb -l en
Add the correct translations in the msgstr
If a translation is not given and the msgstr
quote is empty, the msgid will be used
To compile the translations and make the translations available run
python compilemessages