npm install extract-highlight-text --save
- 支持模糊匹配(忽略大小写)
- 对于比较庞大的目标字符串拥有良好的性能
- 完善的单元测试
import sliceTextByKeywords from 'extract-highlight-text';
const keywords = ['apple', 'apples'];
const result = sliceTextByKeywords({
text: 'I have many Apples',
// 开启模糊匹配
enableLazyMatch: true,
keywords: keywords
以上代码会输出如下内容, type为highlight
// result
{ type: 'normal',
text: 'I have many ',
start: 0,
end: 12
type: 'highlight',
text: 'Apples',
start: 12,
end: 18
import sliceTextByKeywords, { buildTrieTree } from 'extract-highlight-text';
const keywords = ['明月', '地上'];
const trieTreeRoot = buildTrieTree(keywords);
const result1 = sliceTextByKeywords({
text: '床前明月光,疑似地上霜',
keywords: keywords,
trieTreeRoot: trieTreeRoot
const result2 = sliceTextByKeywords({
text: '举头望明月,低头思故乡',
keywords: keywords,
trieTreeRoot: trieTreeRoot
'明': {
'月': { isLeaf: true} // 认为是叶子节点
'地': {
'上': { isLeaf: true}
以上代码会输出如下内容, type为highlight
// result1
{ type: 'normal', text: '床前', start: 0, end: 2 },
{ type: 'highlight', text: '明月', start: 2, end: 4 },
{ type: 'normal', text: '光,疑似', start: 4, end: 8 },
{ type: 'highlight', text: '地上', start: 8, end: 10 },
{ type: 'normal', text: '霜', start: 10, end: 11 }
// result2
{ type: 'normal', text: '举头望', start: 0, end: 3 },
{ type: 'highlight', text: '明月', start: 3, end: 5 },
{ type: 'normal', text: ',低头思故乡', start: 5, end: 11 }