
Create Visual Identity

Opened this issue · 5 comments


We need a visual Identity for this project that communicates our values.

Action Items

  • Make a document with questions for us to answer
  • Get feedback from product
  • Identify where or how other questions will be answered


Branding Questionary
GreenEarthOS one sheet
Figma page with C&C

@ExperimentsInHonesty have updated the google sheet, kindly review it.

@maria-ines-montes has setup a page in figma with logo comparisons from other climate orgs

Next steps

  • UX team to review the questionary and identify any comments or questions they have
  • Bonnie to review same
  • MIM is going to add more C&Cs and then start sketching

Hi @puneet Loiya, I added the latest version of the logo to the Figma File, board named: Logos| Round 3. ( https://www.figma.com/file/NmGW74xkCaKCZT6VDutPXU/GreenEarthOS?node-id=2%3A2)
I can't attend tonight but wanted to share them w/ the team so you can all vote on a graphic. #3 is my favorite, but I feel it might need to be simplified a bit more.

@maria-ines-montes Team voted option 2 and 3 .. Option 3 may have rendering issue when it is small. Can you please refine it more if required. Can you please create another copy of Option 3 using Option 2's font.

@maria-ines-montes can you please help us with your updates
Please provide an update

  1. Progress
  2. Blockers
  3. Progress
  4. ETA