A website that provides a easier way to connect veterans to their benefits and other resources.
- 0
update: all unit tests
#6 opened by DevSero - 2
Prep project boards for Migration
#18 opened by Rabia2219 - 0
Determine mission statement
#17 opened by tabatahg - 2
Find an image or make an image that we can use for the project card on the hackforla.org website
#16 opened by ExperimentsInHonesty - 1
Create project labels
#15 opened by tabatahg - 0
Create Persona/User stories
#14 opened by tabatahg - 0
Possibly in the future, add a single profile or form for input into multiple forms for multiple services
#13 opened by tabatahg - 0
Db.prototype.authenticate deprecated MongoDB
#1 opened by DevSero - 0
csslintrc order alpha warning
#2 opened by DevSero - 0
Deprecation Warning
#9 opened by DevSero