
uboot src for AX1800 Pro JDC

Primary LanguageC

You will also like to see https://github.com/lgs2007m/cdt-gpt-ipq60xx-generate

build env

OS: ubuntu 18.04

sudo bash -c  "apt update && apt install git python build-essential device-tree-compiler -y"

uboot build

u-boot-2016 source code base on https://github.com/gl-inet/uboot-ipq60xx

PS: The mbn scripts run with python2.7, you should install and switch to python2.7.

git clone https://github.com/lgs2007m/uboot-ipq60xx-build
cd uboot-ipq60xx-build/

The uboot binary will be: uboot-ipq60xx-build/u-boot.mbn

The uboot failsafe HTTP server ip: