Record audio from a user's microphone and display a cool visualization.
- 9
React Mic Gold Website Not Working
#124 opened by kyle-ahlstrom - 1
- 3
react-mic is not supporting in react 18.0.x
#150 opened by amjedpulikkal - 2
Browser audio recording is not supported
#147 opened by manosec - 4
Add TypeScript types
#81 opened by mikaello - 3
window is undefined
#103 opened by pooooriya - 4
onStop callback not refreshed on componentUpdate
#108 opened by Heedster - 0
Doesn't support in react 18.0.x
#133 opened by sanjaybharti-consort - 0
Mic detection
#131 opened by cesarmtz93-wit - 2
Not working correctly in deployment env
#123 opened by rzamarefat - 0
add a megaphone feature? pls?
#129 opened by jdavidteki - 1
How to use with typescript project (like NextJs) ?
#128 opened by diego3 - 0
Find Frequency from Blobs?
#127 opened by ChrisCooney1 - 2
How can i upload this blob to firebase storage
#125 opened by Yash2906 - 0
Good morning. I am using react-mic. While using it, I found something strange on window pc, mac pc, and mobile.
#117 opened by jungjh123456 - 0
- 0
Blobs received in onData function are unusable
#115 opened by shalabhsingh - 0
- 1
- 0
Can't listen to file after downloading to PC
#110 opened by Eru2008 - 10
TypeError: (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext) is not a constructor
#60 opened by jbschrades - 5
- 0
Unable to set channelCount to 1
#106 opened by riwu - 1
Is there any option to Pause the Recording ?
#102 opened by adiwithadidas - 8
garbled audio on samsung s07
#98 opened by clonq - 14
onData still called after setting record=false
#94 opened by clonq - 3
- 1
get live recording in a state
#75 opened by daltonfury42 - 1
- 1
time in seconds
#89 opened by siddhant-reactgeeks - 5
Stop streaming in componentWillUnmount
#70 opened by BibhuVijayan - 2
Full Width Oscillations
#86 opened - 3
- 4
React Mic: The recording red dot still shows after recording stops + Recorded audio has no sound
#64 opened by ishansan38 - 0
onData doesn't update state
#74 opened by daltonfury42 - 0
- 1
- 2
Slack link not working
#76 opened by daltonfury42 - 1
How to upload created blob file to S3?
#63 opened by sujitsagar - 0
AudioContext now taking 30s+ to load
#67 opened by jkeys-ecg-nmsu - 2
Multiple ReactMic in the same page.
#73 opened by josuevalrob - 2
How to play the recorded blob?
#72 opened by Swanoff - 0
- 1
- 4
- 1
- 3
The demo does not work for downloaded file
#58 opened by sameerkhan662 - 6
- 4
- 2
onStop and onData not firing
#54 opened by lightninglu10