
Automation Recon tool which works with Large & Medium scopes. It performs more than 20 tasks and gets back all the results in separated files.

Primary LanguagePython

3klCon Project v2.0


New Version <3 Full Automation Recon tool which works with Large and Medium scopes. Recommended to use it on VPS machine, it'll discover secrets and searching for vulnerabilities

So, Welcome and let's deep into it <3

Here is the methedology and Tasks

Installation instructions

1. Befor ANY installation instruction: You MUST be the ROOT user

$ su -

2. GO Version

Your GO version must be go version go1.15.2 linux/amd64 and to check go version , If it doesn't the same,so delete the old version and install the updated one from here

https://tzusec.com/how-to-install-golang-in-kali-linux/ or and check again!

3. GO Path

Check that the GO path in the root direcrory is /root/go/ NOT /root/go-projects or anything else

4. Install required tools (You MUST run it even if you install the used tools)

chmod +x install_tools.sh


5. Running tool (Preferred to use python2 not python3)

python 3klcon.py -t target.com

Required VPS or VMware structure

Don't WORRY! All this structure the automation script install_tools will create it automatically but kindly check it after running it.

  1. In the main directory you should have /root directory and /usr/local/bin
  2. In the /root directory you must have /go/bin directory
  3. In the tool's directory you will find tools directory after install tools_script



[+] If you face any problem in the running process, check that:

1. You logged in as ROOT user not normal user 
2. Check that you installed the GO language and this path is exist /root/go/bin  

[+] If you face any problem with gf so kindly install it manually from install instructions from here

[+] It will take almost 5 ~ 6 hours running so be Patient or use VPS and sleep while running :)

[+] It will collect all the result into one directory with your target name

[+] Some of tools may need your reaction like entering your GitHub's 2FA or username, password, etc.

[+] Go to GitHound tool directory, enter you github_username, github_password and 2FA info into config.yml

Tools useds

  1. 3klector https://github.com/eslam3kl/3klector
  2. crtfinder https://github.com/eslam3kl/crtfinder
  3. Subfinder https://github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder
  4. Assetfinder https://github.com/tomnomnom/assetfinder
  5. Altdns https://github.com/infosec-au/altdns
  6. Dirsearch https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch
  7. Httpx https://github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx
  8. Waybackurls https://github.com/tomnomnom/waybackurls
  9. Gau https://github.com/lc/gau
  10. Git-hound https://github.com/tillson/git-hound
  11. Gf https://github.com/tomnomnom/gf
  12. Gf-pattern https://github.com/1ndianl33t/Gf-Patterns
  13. Nuclei https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei
  14. Nuclei-templets https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates
  15. Subjack https://github.com/haccer/subjack
  16. Port_scan.sh
  17. Gitdorks.sh

Stay in touch <3

LinkedIn > https://www.linkedin.com/in/eslam-akl-6b998614a/
Blog > https://eslam3kl.medium.com/
Mail > eslamakl199@gmail.com
Twitter > https://twitter.com/eslam3kll