Automatic generation of crystal structure descriptions.
- 4
- 1
can not run with latest pymatgen
#403 opened by antonmilev - 4
describer.py line 247 en.join(orientations): ValidationError Input should be a valid string
#433 opened by ViktoriiaBaib - 0
- 2
ValueError: Unexpected atomic number Z=119
#434 opened by zakidotai - 0
Is the text representationv reversable?
#432 opened by whyydsforever - 0
deprecated collection.Iterable
#365 opened by sgbaird - 9
Is the full robocrystallographer dataset available?
#121 opened by sgbaird - 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
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New release for latest pymatgen
#138 opened by shyamd - 5
pymatgen error - maybe v2022 compatibility issue?
#127 opened by sgbaird - 0
- 1
- 0
Dependabot couldn't authenticate with https://pypi.python.org/simple/
#34 opened by dependabot-preview - 1
when using "--symprec 0.0001" , SPGLIB error: TypeError: must be real number, not str
#31 opened by kgmat - 1
- 0
- 0
Bond angle in octahedral
#29 opened by jic198 - 0
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- 1
LaTeX formatting issues
#20 opened by utf - 3
logging output progress
#5 opened by computron - 1
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rare grammar issue
#13 opened by computron - 1
Grammar issue: lowercase "there"
#15 opened by utf - 1
x_diff_weight should be off for prototype matching
#24 opened by utf - 3
Pretty-print space groups using unicode
#19 opened by mkhorton - 1
coordination environments
#26 opened by Huta2018 - 0
Report unusual oxidation states
#21 opened by utf - 2
"Hg is Magnesium structured"
#16 opened by computron - 1
Small capitalization bug
#18 opened by mkhorton - 0
detecting tunnels
#17 opened by computron - 3
robocrys mp-24850
#4 opened by computron - 2
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can you add HCP, CCP descriptions
#14 opened by computron - 0
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