
Ver estado de IPs segun shodan.io

Primary LanguagePython

./shodan.sh script

En fichero ip.txt ponemos la lista de IP a revisar

Ejemplo de busqueda

shodan search --fields ip_str,port,data,product "ownCloud" | ag '302 Found' | ag -o 'Location: .*' | cut -d"\" -f1 | awk '{print $2}'

#count port 445 in certain country and region shodan count "country:CA region:NB port:445"

#Search SMB Authentication enabled and SMB version 1 port:445 country:CA region:NB "SMB Status Authentication: enabled SMB Version: 1"

#Get Info for account Shodan info

#Search port 445 and download the results shodan download Port44_NB_August_2019 port:445 country:CA region:NB

#Search UPnP shodan download UPNP_NB_AUG_2019 upnp country:CA region:NB

#PowerShell command to read JSON file Get-Content ./Port445_NB_August_2019.json | ConvertFrom-Json

#Powershell command to extract IP and Data field Get-Content ./Port445_NB_August_2019.json | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object ip_str,data | Where-Object {$_.data -like "enabled"}| fl

#Shodan command download Linux OS shodan download Linux_2.6.x_NB_Aug country:CA region:NB os:Linux

#Shodan download Windows server 2008 r2 shodan download windows2008r2_NB_Aug "os:'Windows Server 2008 r2' country:CA region:NB"

#Shodan download data for "Shared Services Canada" (Pay attention to spaces and query) shodan download Shared_Services_Canada "org:'Shared Services Canada'"
