
HCTP180 ~ Mehmet Sezer - Güney Kırık

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hi! I am Rememberry! I am here for to ease lives of people who have Alzheimer disease and to contribute them to have a safer life. My main duties are to remind daily how to perform fundamental activities which are forgotten.


  • To remind how to perform fundamental activities step by step.
  • To remind which medicine will be taken at which time intervals.
  • In case of user forgets me, to introduce myself.
  • To tell how to across a street step by step.

Who am I useful to?

  • I ease people's lives who have Alzheimer disease.
  • I relatively make people feel comfortable who are related to people with Alzheimer disease.
  • I can be easily used at nursery homes.

Me at the Future

I want to be there all the time for who constantly forgets somethings and people who have Alzheimer disease also support them whenever they need. With the new features which will be developed, I will be helpful at any condition!